Plenty Rgu Guides

Plenty Rgu Guides

The Australian Guide Program is a non-formal educational program based on shared leadership and decision-making at all ages. Through our unique non-formal education programs we promote citizenship, volunteerism, social awareness and self-reliance. Girl Guides learn by doing.

There are four main elements in the Australian Guide Program: physical, people, practical, and self. The program includes a variety of fun activities that focus on self-development in the areas of practical skills, physical development and relationships with people, appropriate to age and interests. Guides of all ages are involved in decision-making, planning, implementing and evaluating their activities. Within her Unit, the Guide will be a member of a Patrol (4-8 girls), where experiences are shared. Guiding is about being part of a team. Leadership development begins with the youngest Guides and develops as the girls mature.

Get Additional Information about a Guide Unit

Meet at: Plenty Valley Hall, Cnr Yan Yean Rd & Memorial Drive, Plenty
Age Range: 14-17


Cnr Yan Yean Road and Memorial Drive,  Plenty 3090 Map

(03) 8606 3500

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Girl Guides Victoria

Plenty Rgu GuidesCnr Yan Yean Road and Memorial Drive,, Plenty, Victoria, 3090