Playgrounds with Toilet Facilities

A chill goes down your spine when you are at a playground and hear those dreaded words "Mummy, I have to do poopies ..". You frantically scan the horizon hoping that a toilet block will magically appear, generally to no avail. If thinking about these circumstances makes you break into a cold sweat then Melbourne Playgrounds can help you. The availability of toilet facilities can be a factor when planning a trip to a playground, especially for events such as family get togethers and kids parties. If a toilet is present then we include that in the description of a playground.
Even though a playground might have a toilet, whether it is open or not can be more fickle than an AFL Grand Final result. Some toilets are only open during the week, others at weekends, some when sporting games are on and others seem to be a toilet by name only and are never open. If the availability of open toilets is important for a get together at the playground, then do some research. If the playground is close by then drop in, contact the local council or check the National Public Toilet Map
As far as toilets are concerned we live by the Scouts motto "Be prepared". We have a box permanently in our car with essentials such as potty, wipe cloths, plastic bags, pull-ups and spare undies. This means that we are likely to survive any toilet related incident at a playground without suffering a nervous breakdown.
Some of the playgrounds we have found with toilet facilities are:
Clifton Park Playground, Afton Street, Aberfeldie
Clifton Park Playground, Batman Street, Aberfeldie
Riverside Park Playground, Fawkner Street, Aberfeldie
Aughtie Drive Adventure Playground, Albert Park
Gasworks Park Playground, Foote Street, Albert Park
Plum Garland Memorial Playground, Beaconsfield Parade, Albert Park
St Vincent Gardens Playground, St Vincent Place, Albert Park
Apex Park Playground, Queen Street, Altona
G.H Ransom Reserve Playground, Queen Street, Altona
Logan Reserve Playground, Pier Street, Altona
A.B. Shaw Reserve Playground, Hall Avenue, Altona Meadows
Coogoorah Park Playground, River Reserve Road, Anglesea
Fairbairn Park Playground, Newsom Street, Ascot Vale
Victory Park Playground, Langs Road, Ascot Vale
Markham Reserve Playground, Markham Avenue, Ashburton
Regents Park Playground, Sixth Avenue, Aspendale
Old Canning Street Playground, Avondale Heights
Balnarring Village Reserve Playground, Frankston-Flinders Road, Balnarring
Beckett Park Playground, Parring Road, Balwyn
Koonung Creek Reserve Playground, Wandeen Street, Balwyn North
Flinders Parade Playground, Barwon Heads
Sheepwash Road Playground, Barwon Heads
Bayswater Park Playground, Mountain Highway, Bayswater
Canterbury Gardens Playground, Blandford Crescent, Bayswater North
Beaconsfield Upper Reserve Playground, Burton Road, Beaconsfield Upper
Beaumaris Reserve Playground, Cloris Av, Beaumaris
Beaumaris Reserve Playground, Reserve Road, Beaumaris
Donald MacDonald Reserve Playground, Keating Street, Beaumaris
Belgrave Lake Park Playground, Park Drive, Belgrave
Central Park Playground, Colby Drive, Belgrave
Belgrave South Recreation Reserve Playground, Mt Morton Road, Belgrave South
Petitt Park Playground, Beauford Avenue, Bell Post Hill
Ford Park Playground, Davidson Street, Bellfield
Barwon Valley Fun Park Playground, Barrabool Road, Belmont
Halley Park Playground, Ethel Street, Bentleigh
Hodgson Reserve Playground, 2 Higgins Road, Bentleigh
Bailey Reserve Playground, East Boundary Road, Bentleigh East
Centenary Park Playground, Leonie Avenue, Bentleigh East
King George VI Memorial Reserve Playground, East Boundary Road, Bentleigh East
Mackie Road Reserve Playground, Mackie Road, Bentleigh East
Marlborough Street Reserve Playground, Marlborough Street, Bentleigh East
Beaconsfield Recreational Reserve Playground, Cardinia Street, Berwick
Buchanan Park Playground, Clyde Road, Berwick
Parkhill Drive Playground, Berwick
Sweeney Reserve Playground, Melzak Way, Berwick
Wilson Botanic Park Playground, Beaconsfield-Berwick Road, Berwick
Blackburn Lake Sanctuary Playspace, Central Road, Blackburn
Bonbeach Sports Reserve Playground, Genoa Avenue, Bonbeach
Boronia Park Playground, Park Crescent, Boronia
Tormore Reserve Playground, Tormore Road, Boronia
Box Hill Gardens Playground, Irving Avenue, Box Hill
Breakwater Reserve Playground, Tanner Street, Breakwater
Whittington Street Playground, Breamlea
Brighton Beach Oval Playground, Cnr South Road and Beach Road, Brighton
Elsternwick Park Playground, Bent Avenue, Brighton
Whyte Street Reserve Playground, Whyte Street, Brighton
William Street Reserve Playground, William Street, Brighton
Wilson Recreation Reserve Playground, Allee Street, Brighton
Hurlingham Park Playground, Nepean Highway, Brighton East
Landcox Park Playground, Mavis Avenue, Brighton East
Jack Roper Reserve Adventure Playground, Camp Road, Broadmeadows
Albion Street Playground, Brunswick
Temple Park Playground, Gray Street, Brunswick
Balfe Park Playground, John Street, Brunswick East
Fleming Park Playground, Albert Street, Brunswick East
Jones Park Playground, Harrison Street, Brunswick East
Kirkdale Reserve Playground, Kirkdale Street, Brunswick East
Bulleen Park Playground, Bulleen Road, Bulleen
Koonung Park Playground, Kampman Street, Bulleen
Bundoora Park Play Space, River Red Gum Avenue, Bundoora
Bundoora Park Playground, Playground Drive, Bundoora
Bundoora Park Playground, River Red Gum Avenue (North), Bundoora
Bundoora Park Playground, River Red Gum Avenue (South), Bundoora
Norris Bank Reserve Playground, McLeans Road, Bundoora
Yulong Reserve Playground, Cameron Parade, Bundoora
Bunyip Showgrounds and Recreational Reserve Playground, Nar Nar Goon-Longwarry Road, Bunyip
Kevin Bartlett Reserve Playground, F.R. Smith Drive, Burnley
Burnside Heights Recreation Reserve Playground, Tenterfield Drive, Burnside Heights
Ballyshannassy Park Playground, Highbury Road, Burwood East
Kevin Flint Memorial Reserve Playground, Furlong Road, Cairnlea
Cooper Reserve Playground, Green Street, Camberwell
Riversdale Park Playground, Spencer Road, Camberwell
Seth Raistrick Reserve Playground, Campbell Street, Campbellfield
Rutherford Parade Playground, Cannons Creek
Curtain Square Playground, Newry Street, Carlton North
Princes Park Drive Playground, Carlton North
Koornang Park Playground, Lyons Street, Carnegie
Packer Park Playground, Leila Road, Carnegie
Carrum Foreshore Playground, Old Post Office Lane, Carrum
Roy Dore Reserve Playground, Dyson Road, Carrum
Banyan Reserve Playground, Luscombe Avenue, Carrum Downs
Carrum Downs Reserve Playground, Wedge Road, Carrum Downs
East Caulfield Reserve Playground, Dudley Street, Caulfield East
Glen Huntly Park Playground, Booran Road, Caulfield East
Caulfield Park Playground, Park Crescent, Caulfield North
Princes Park Playground, Birch Street, Caulfield South
Bicentennial Park Playground, Scotch Parade, Chelsea
Victory Park Playground, Camp Street, Chelsea
Cheltenham Park Playground, Park Road, Cheltenham
Southland Shopping Centre Playground, Nepean Hwy, Cheltenham
Bald Hill Park Playground, Inverness Street, Clarinda
Clayton Reserve Playground, Haughton Road, Clayton
Heatherton Park Playground, Ireland Road, Clayton South
Keeley Park Playground, Main Road, Clayton South
Namatjira Park Playground, Springs Road, Clayton South
The Grange Reserve Playground, Osborne Avenue, Clayton South
Darling Gardens Playground, Gold Street, Clifton Hill
Hall Reserve South Playground, The Esplanade, Clifton Hill
Mayors Park Playground, Turnbull Street, Clifton Hill
Quarries Park Playground, Ramsden Street, Clifton Hill
Lineham Oval Playground, Cnr Clyde-Five Ways and Pattersons Road, Clyde
Variety Livvis Place Playground at Edgebrook, Merribrook Boulevard, Clyde
Clyde Grand Reserve Playground, Palomino Avenue, Clyde North
Selandra Rise Playground, Selandra Boulevard, Clyde North
Bush Reserve Playground, Bell Street, Coburg
Coburg Lake Reserve Playground, Murray Road, Coburg
Harmony Park Playground, Gaffney Street, Coburg
Robinson Reserve Playground, Reynard Street, Coburg
Parker Reserve Playground, Suvla Grove, Coburg North
Alma Treloar Reserve Playground, Pakenham Road, Cockatoo
Cora Lynn Recreational Reserve Playground, Cnr Main Drain Rd and Eleven Mile Rd, Cora Lynn
Dearborn Parade Playground, Corio
Stead Park Playground, Princes Highway, Corio
Anzac Park Play Space, Central Park Avenue, Craigieburn
Cleveland Drive Playground, Craigieburn
Craigieburn Gardens Playground, Craigieburn Road West, Craigieburn
Craigieburn Road West Playground, Craigieburn
Golden Sun Moth Park Playground, Grand Boulevard, Craigieburn
Newbury Boulevard Playground, Craigieburn
Trillium Park Playground, Rosette Parade, Craigieburn
Community Centre Playground, Berwick-Cranbourne Road, Cranbourne
Lawson Poole Reserve Playground, Lesdon Avenue, Cranbourne
Ray Perry Park Playground, Brunt Street, Cranbourne
Woodland Picnic Area Playground, Royal Botanic Gardens Cranbourne, Ballarto Road, Cranbourne
Casey Fields Playground, Berwick-Cranbourne Road, Cranbourne East
A.W. Peterson Reserve Playground, Stony Point Road, Crib Point
Ainslie Park Playground, Ainslie Park Avenue, Croydon
Cheong Park Playground, Eastfield Road, Croydon
Croydon Park (West) Playground, Hewish Road, Croydon
Croydon X Space Playground, James Kerr Way, Croydon
Lipscombe Park Playground, Kirtain Drive, Croydon
Town Park Playground, Birdwood Road, Croydon
Wyreena Community Arts Centre Playground, Croydon
Hughes Park Playground, Maroondah Hwy, Croydon North
Warrien Reserve Playground, Warrien Road, Croydon North
Dandenong Park Playground, Lonsdale Street, Dandenong
Rotary Park Playground, Lonsdale Street, Dandenong
Tirhatuan Park Playground, Kriegel Way, Dandenong North
Meridian Reserve Playground, Keshava Grove, Dandenong South
Darley Park Playground, Grey Street, Darley
Federation Park Playground, Bacchus Marsh-Gisborne Road, Darley
Isabella Williams Memorial Reserve Playground, Opie Road, Deer Park
Diamond Creek Regional Playspace, Main Hurstbridge Road, Diamond Creek
Diamond Creek Reserve Playground, Campbell Street, Diamond Creek
Rotary Centennial Park Playground, Main Hurstbridge Road, Diamond Creek
Docklands Park Playground, Navigation Drive, Docklands
Point Park Crescent Playground, Docklands
Ron Barassi Snr Park Playground, Docklands Drive, Docklands
Anthony Avenue Playground, Doncaster
Ruffey Lake Park Playground, Church Road, Doncaster
Ruffey Lake Park Playground, The Boulevard, Doncaster
Schramms Reserve Playground, Tully Drive, Doncaster
Doncaster Reserve Playground, Jackson Court, Doncaster East
Doncaster Reserve Playground, Leeds Street, Doncaster East
Ruffey Lake Park Playground, Victoria Street, Doncaster East
Gumnut Park Playground, Olivine Boulevard, Donnybrook
Donvale Reserve Playground, Noonan Way, Donvale
Hill Top Park Playground, Landano Way, Doreen
Autumn Place Playground, Doveton
Dromana Recreational Reserve Playground, Pier Street, Dromana
George A Bishop Reserve Playground, Point Nepean Road, Dromana
Station Street Playground, Drysdale
Fitzroy Gardens Playground, Clarendon Street, East Melbourne
Yarra Park Playground, Wellington Parade, East Melbourne
Harleston Park Playground, Allison Road, Elsternwick
Hopetoun Gardens Playground, Victoria Street, Elsternwick
Alistair Knox Park Playground, Main Road, Eltham
Eltham North Reserve Playground, Wattletree Road, Eltham North
Chandler Recreation Reserve Playground, Belgrave-Gembrook Road, Emerald
Crystal Brook Picnic Area Playground, Cardinia Reservoir Park, Cardinia Creek Road, Emerald
Puffing Billy Place Reserve Playground, Kilvington Drive, Emerald
Nerre Nerre Warren Picnic Area Playground, Brady Road, Endeavour Hills
McDonalds Road Playground, Epping
Hilda Street Playground, Essendon
Woodlands Park Playground, Winifred Street, Essendon
Olive Road Playground, Eumemmerring
Knott Reserve Playground, Heidelberg Road, Fairfield
Charles Mutton Reserve Playground, Creedon Street, Fawkner
Dobson Park Playground, Francis Crescent, Ferntree Gully
Tim Neville Arboretum Playground, Dorset Road, Ferntree Gully
Wally Tew Reserve Playground, Lyndale Court, Ferntree Gully
Edinburgh Gardens (South) Playground, Alfred Crescent, Fitzroy North
Flinders Foreshore Reserve Playground, Bass Street, Flinders
Footscray Park Play Space, Maribyrnong Boulevard, Footscray
Footscray Park Playground, Ballarat Road, Footscray
Hansen Reserve Playground, Roberts Street, Footscray West
Brentford Square Playground, Forest Hill
Ballam Park Reserve (West) Playground, Cranbourne Road, Frankston
Baxter Park Playground, Frankston-Flinders Road, Frankston
Frankston Regional Foreshore Playground, Frankston
George Pentland Botanic Gardens Playground, Williams Street, Frankston
Jubilee Park Playground, Hillcrest Road, Frankston
Montague Park Playground, Kars Street, Frankston
Peninsula Reserve Playground, Frank Street, Frankston
Witternberg Reserve Playground, Witternberg Avenue, Frankston
Delacombe Park Playground, Towerhill Road, Frankston South
Overport Park Playground, Somerset Road, Frankston South
Garfield Recreation Reserve Playground, Beswick Street, Garfield
Rotary Park Playground, Cnr Fourteen Mile Rd and Beswick St, Garfield
Mt Cannibal Reserve Playground, Garfield North Road, Garfield North
Eastern Beach Reserve Playground, Eastern Beach, Geelong
Poppy Kettle Playground, Western Beach, Geelong
Howard Glover Reserve Playground, Holt Road, Geelong East
Osborne Park Playground, Swinburne Street, Geelong North
St Helens Park Playground, Swinburne Street, Geelong North
John Landy Athletic Field Playground, Swanston Street, Geelong South
Gembrook Regional Playground, Gembrook Road, Gembrook
Dixon Field Playground, Robertson Street, Gisborne
Gisborne Adventure Playground, Brantome Street, Gisborne
Gilligan Recreation Reserve Playground, Millett Road, Gisborne South
Booran Reservoir Playspace, Booran Road, Glen Huntly
Ferndale Park Playground, Glen Iris Road, Glen Iris
Gardiner Park Playground, St Edmonds Grove, Glen Iris
Glen Iris Park Playground, High Street, Glen Iris
Hartwell Sports Ground Playground, Muriel Street, Glen Iris
Central Reserve Playground, Springvale Road, Glen Waverley
Sewell Reserve Playground, Glenroy Road, Glenroy
Civic Drive Playspace, Greensborough
Diamond Hills Reserve Playground, Plenty River Drive, Greensborough
Kalparrin Gardens Playground, Kempston Street, Greensborough
Plenty Lane Playground, Greensborough
Poulter Reserve Playground, Poulter Avenue, Greensborough
R.W. Fell Reserve Playground, Grimshaw Street, Greensborough
Greenvale Recreational Reserve Playground, Somerton Road, Greenvale
Burdoo Recreational Reserve Playground, Wingarra Drive, Grovedale
Coolabah Drive Playground, Grovedale
Grovedale Recreational Reserve Playground, Reserve Road, Grovedale
Gruyere Reserve Playground, Killara Road, Gruyere
Castlefield Reserve Playground, Cnr Kingston and Ludstone Street, Hampton
Thomas Street South Reserve Playground, Thomas Street, Hampton
Fred Smith Reserve Playground, Marine Parade, Hastings
Central Gardens Playground, Henry Street, Hawthorn
Yarra Bank Reserve Playground, Denham Street, Hawthorn
Anderson Park Playground, Widford Street, Hawthorn East
Don Road Playground, Healesville
Queens Park District Playspace, Badger Creek Road, Healesville
H E Parker Reserve Playground, Heathmont Road, Heathmont
Heidelberg Park Playground, Beverley Road, Heidelberg
Possum Hollow Park Playground, Beverley Road, Heidelberg
Malahang Reserve Playground, Oriel Road, Heidelberg West
Olympic Park Playground, Liberty Parade, Heidelberg West
Highett Reserve Playground, Turner Road, Highett
Lyle Anderson Reserve Playground, Highett Grove, Highett
Sir William Fry Reserve Playground, Nepean Highway, Highett
Queens Park Playground, Queens Park Road, Highton
Showers Road Playground, Hmas Cerberus
Hogans Road Reserve Playground, Hogans Road, Hoppers Crossing
Anderson Reserve Playground, The Esplanade, Indented Head
Batman Park Seasonal Camping Ground Playground, The Esplanade, Indented Head
Indented Head Boar Ramp Playground, The Esplanade, Indented Head
Nellie Ibbott Reserve Playground, Maud Street, Ivanhoe
Bob Pettit Reserve Playground, Sunset Strip, Jan Juc
Cloverton Estate Playground, Dwyer Street, Kalkallo
Kalorama Reserve Playground, Grange Road, Kalorama
Cliff Harvey Lagoon Reserve Playground, Flora Street, Keilor
Keilor Recreation Reserve Playground, Old Calder Highway, Keilor
Green Gully Reserve Playground, McCrae Boulevard, Keilor Downs
Brimbank Park Play Space, Brimbank Road, Keilor East
Brimbank Park Playground, Park Drive (Car Park B), Keilor East
Brimbank Park Playground, Park Drive (Car Park C), Keilor East
J.H. Allan Reserve Playground, Park Drive, Keilor East
Rosehill Park Playground, Rachelle Road, Keilor East
Wyong Street Playground, Keilor East
J.J Holland Park Playground, Altona Street, Kensington
Victoria Park (West) Playground, High Street, Kew
Hays Paddock Playground, Longstaff Street, Kew East
Keysborough Community Park Playground, Loxwood Avenue, Keysborough
Somerfield Drive North Pirate Playground, Keysborough
Durham Road Playground, Kilsyth
Pinks Reserve Playground, Liverpool Road, Kilsyth
Bollygum Adventure Playground, Whittlesea-Kinglake Rd, Kinglake
Carrington Park Playground, OConnor Road, Knoxfield
Knox Park Athletics Track Playground, Bunjil Way, Knoxfield
Kooyong Park Playground, Glenferrie Road, Kooyong
Whittlesea Public Gardens Playground, Barry Road, Lalor
Lloyd Park Playground, Cranbourne-Frankston Road, Langwarrin
Austin Park Playground, Station Lake Road, Lara
Mathers Avenue Playground, Launching Place
McCormack Park Playground, Jennings Street, Laverton
Wright Reserve Playground, Woods Street, Laverton
Gateway Sanctuary Playground, Melaluka Road, Leopold
Leopold Memorial Park Playground, Melaluka Road, Leopold
Lillydale Lake Playground, Swansea Road, Lilydale
Little River Reserve Playground, You Yangs Road, Little River
Possy Newland Park Playground, River Street, Little River
Abe Wood Reserve Playground, Evans Road, Lovely Banks
Banjo Paterson Park Playground, Paterson Drive, Lynbrook
Greenwood Drive Playground, Macleod
Macleod Park Playground, Birdwood Avenue, Macleod
Maddingley Park Playground, Taverner Street, Maddingley
Dobson Reserve Playground, Yardley Street, Maidstone
Main Ridge Recreational Reserve Playground, Main Creek Road, Main Ridge
Ardrie Park Playground, Ardrie Road, Malvern East
Basil Reserve Playground, Stanley Grose Drive, Malvern East
Central Park Playground, Kingston Street, Malvern East
Phoenix Park Playground, Rob Roy Road, Malvern East
E.A. Coulson Gardens Playground, Chifley Drive, Maribyrnong
Allnutt Park Playground, Wheatley Road, McKinnon
McKinnon Reserve Playground, McKinnon Road, McKinnon
Wattle Grove Reserve Playground, Wattle Grove, McKinnon
Artplay Playground, Birrarung Marr, Melbourne
Hannah Watts Park, Junior Playground, Reserve Road, Melton
Hannah Watts Park, Senior Playground, High Street, Melton
Navan Park Playground, Centenary Avenue, Melton
Atherstone Regional Play Space, Bridge Road, Melton South
Arthur Westlake Recreation Reserve Playground, Bulmans Road, Melton West
Mentone Racecourse Reserve Playground, Cedar Street, Mentone
Kelynack Reserve Playground, Azalea Avenue, Mill Park
Antonio Park Playground, Deep Creek Road, Mitcham
Halliday Park Playground, Mitcham Road, Mitcham
Baynes Park Playground, Baynes Park Road, Monbulk
Elgar Park Playground, Belmore Road, Mont Albert North
Montrose Community Playground, Mt Dandenong Tourist Rd, Montrose
Wills Crescent Playground, Moolap
Queens Park Playground, Mt Alexander Road, Moonee Ponds
G.R Bricker Reserve East Playground, Rowans Road, Moorabbin
Kingston Heath Reserve Playground, Centre Dandenong Road, Moorabbin
Macmillan Street Playground, Mooroolbark
George Woods Reserve Playground, Governor Road, Mordialloc
Peter Scullin Reserve Playground, Centre Way, Mordialloc
Civic Reserve Playground, Dunns Road, Mornington
Empire Street Mall Playground, Mornington
Lakeview Grove Playground, Mornington
Mornington Park Playground, Schnapper Point Drive, Mornington
Emil Madsen Reserve Playground, Wooralla Drive, Mount Eliza
John H. Butler Reserve Playground, Ranelagh Drive, Mount Eliza
Lakeside Picnic Area Playground, Two Bays Road, Mount Eliza
Mount Eliza Community Reserve Playground, Canadian Bay Road, Mount Eliza
Mount Eliza Shopping Centre Reserve Playground, Mount Eliza Way, Mount Eliza
Quarry Picnic Area Playground, Two Bays Road, Mount Eliza
Mount Evelyn Reserve Playground, Tramway Road, Mount Evelyn
Balcombe Estuary Public Recreation Reserve Playground, Mirang Avenue, Mount Martha
Dunns Road Reserve Playground, Dunns Road, Mount Martha
Ferrero Reserve Playground, Seppelt Avenue, Mount Martha
Valley Reserve Play Space, Waimarie Drive, Mount Waverley
Duncan MacKinnon Reserve Playground, Cnr Murrumbeena Road and Crosbie Road, Murrumbeena
Murrumbeena Park Playground, Kangaroo Road, Murrumbeena
Nar Nar Goon Recreational Reserve Playground, Spencer Street, Nar Nar Goon
Val Carroll Community Gardens Playground, Seven Mile Road, Nar Nar Goon
Ray Bastin Reserve Playground, Norfolk Drive, Narre Warren
Ross Watt Reserve Playground, Station Road, New Gisborne
Forrest Avenue Playground, Newhaven
Sladen Park Playground, Sharp Street, Newtown
G J Duggan Reserve Playground, Browns Road, Noble Park North
Evans Reserve Playground, Sparks Road, Norlane
Moorpanyal Park Playground, The Esplanade, North Shore
Batman Park Playground, Arthurton Road, Northcote
Johnson Park Playground, Bastings Street, Northcote
Brickmakers Park Playground, Stamford Road, Oakleigh
Reg Harris Reserve Playground, Carmichael Road, Oakleigh East
Davies Reserve Playground, Coombs Avenue, Oakleigh South
Collendina Reserve Playground, Minerva Close, Ocean Grove
Kingston Park Playground, Adco Grove, Ocean Grove
Shell Road Playground, Ocean Grove
Officer Recreation Reserve Playground, Starling Road, Officer
Olinda Playspace, Olinda-Monbulk Road, Olinda
The Georgian Road Playground, Olinda
EE Gunn Reserve North Playground, Beatty Crescent, Ormond
Joyce Park Playground, Tyrone Street, Ormond
Cardinia Community Adventure Playground, John Street, Pakenham
Deep Creek Eco Playspace, Cameron Way, Pakenham
Lakeside Park Playground, Clearwater Drive, Pakenham
Toomuc Recreation Reserve Playground, Princes Highway, Pakenham
Chambers Reserve Playground, Bourkes Creek Road, Pakenham Upper
Park Drive Playground, Parkville
Royal Park Nature Playground, Gatehouse Street, Parkville
Hallam Reserve Playground, Boundary Road, Pascoe Vale
McCracken Avenue Playground, Pascoe Vale
Northumberland Road Playground, Pascoe Vale
Shore Reserve Playground, Reynard Street, Pascoe Vale South
Citybay Drive Exercise Site Playground, Point Cook
Citybay Drive Playground, Point Cook
Crocodile Park Playground, Saltwater Promenade, Point Cook
Point Cook Coastal Park Playground, Point Cook Road, Point Cook
Upper Point Cook Playground, Webster Street Playground, Point Cook
Ganes Reserve Playground, Ocean Road, Point Lonsdale
Point Lonsdale Road Playground, Point Lonsdale
Edwards Park Playground, Esplanade West, Port Melbourne
Maritime Cove Community Park Playground, The Boulevard, Port Melbourne
Morris Reserve Playground, Ross Street, Port Melbourne
Murphy Reserve Playground, Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne
R.F. Julier Reserve Playground, Dunstan Parade, Port Melbourne
Sandridge Reserve Playground, The Boulevard, Port Melbourne
Portarlington Childrens Park Playground, Point Richards Road, Portarlington
W.G Little Reserve Playground, Newcombe Street, Portarlington
W.E. Newton Reserve Playground, Point Nepean Road, Portsea
Lumley Park Playground, Jessamine Avenue, Prahran
Orrong Romanis Park Playground, Sydney Street, Prahran
Victoria Gardens Playground, High Street, Prahran
A.G. Davis Park Playground, Wood Street, Preston
J.S. Grey Reserve Playground, Sheffield Street, Preston
W.R. Ruthven V.C. Reserve Playground, Malpas Street, Preston
Princess Park Playground, Tobin Drive, Queenscliff
Edwardes Lake Park Play Space, Griffiths Street, Reservoir
L.E. Cotchin Reserve Playground, Amery Street, Reservoir
Barkly Gardens Playground, Coppin Street, Richmond
Citizens Park Playground, Church Street, Richmond
Ringwood Lake Playground, Whitehorse Road, Ringwood
Gracedale Park Playground, Gracedale Avenue, Ringwood East
Wombolano Park Playground, Braewood Avenue, Ringwood East
McAlpin Reserve Playground, Wonga Road, Ringwood North
North Ringwood Reserve Playground, Wonga Road, Ringwood North
Quambee Reserve Playground, Wonga Road, Ringwood North
Rippleside Park Adventure Playground, Bell Parade, Rippleside
Bullion Park Playground, Woodlea Boulevard, Rockbank
Frontier Park Playground, Frontier Avenue, Rockbank
Olympic Park Reserve Playground, Eastbourne Road, Rosebud
Rosebud Foreshore Playground, Jetty Road, Rosebud
Tom Salt Memorial Park Playground, Rosebud Foreshore, Rosebud
Tootgarook Sports Reserve Playground, Truemans Road, Rosebud West
Rowville Adventure Playground, Fulham Road, Rowville
Bicentennial Park Playground, Point Nepean Road, Rye
Ryes Up! Community Playground, Point Nepean Road, Rye
Cnr Marine Parade and Prescott Ave Playground, Safety Beach
Beach Road Foreshore Playground, Beach Road, Sandringham
R.G. Chisholm Reserve Playground, Duncan Street, Sandringham
Scoresby Village Shopping Centre Playground, Ferntree Gully Road, Scoresby
Belvedere Reserve Playground, East Road, Seaford
East Seaford Reserve Playground, Brunel Road, Seaford
Kananook Reserve Playground, Kirkwood Avenue, Seaford
Keast Park Playground, Nepean Highway, Seaford
Seaford North Reserve Playground, Railway Parade, Seaford
WG Cresser Reserve Playground, Beach Street, Seaholme
Seville Pool Playground, Warburton Highway, Seville
Seville Recreational Reserve Playground, Monbulk - Seville Road, Seville
Shoreham Hall Reserve Playground, Byrnes Road, Shoreham
R.W. Stone Reserve Playground, Camp Hill Road, Somers
Barber Reserve Playground, Sullivan Drive, Somerville
Fruit Growers Reserve Playground, Station Street, Somerville
Sorrento Foreshore Reserve Playground, Point Nepean Rd (Erlandsen Ave), Sorrento
Sorrento Historic Park Playground, Point Nepean Road, Sorrento
Eastern Reserve South Playground, Heather Street, South Melbourne
Red Gum Picnic Area Playground, Hawkstowe Park, Gordons Road, South Morang
Stanley Jones Drive Playground, South Morang
Caroline Gardens Playground, Caroline Street South, South Yarra
Darling Gardens Playground, Alexandra Avenue, South Yarra
Donald W McLean Reserve Playground, The Avenue, Spotswood
Anthony Beale Reserve Play Space, St Helena Road, St Helena
St Kilda Adventure Playground, Neptune Street, St Kilda
St. Kilda Botanical Gardens Playground, Dickens Street, St Kilda
Alma Park East Adventure Playground, Alma Road, St Kilda East
Greenmeadows Gardens Playground, Greenmeadows Lane, St Kilda East
Te-Arai Avenue Playground, St Kilda East
Catani Gardens Playground, Pier Road, St Kilda West
Seasonal Camping Area 3 (North) Playground, Bluff Road, St Leonards
Seasonal Camping Area 3 (South) Playground, Bluff Road, St Leonards
Boeing Reserve Playground, Boeing Road, Strathmore Heights
Apex Park Playground, Sunbury Road, Sunbury
Cnr Ligar Street and Riddell Road Playground, Sunbury
Galaxy Land Playground, Belleview Drive, Sunbury
Kevin Wheelahan Gardens Playground, Devonshire Road, Sunshine
Buckingham Reserve Playground, Buckingham Crescent, Sunshine West
Wattle Park Playground, Riversdale Road, Surrey Hills
The Grove Playground, Davis Road, Tarneit
Taylors Hill Recreation Reserve Playground, Calder Park Drive, Taylors Hill
Chichester Drive Playground, Taylors Lakes
Keilor Lodge Reserve Playground, Tasman Crescent, Taylors Lakes
Wombat Bend Playspace, Duncan Street, Templestowe Lower
Batterham Reserve Playground, Miller Road, The Basin
Cnr Mountain Highway and Forest Road Playground, The Basin
Wicks Reserve Playground, Basin-Olinda Road, The Basin
Main Street Reserve Playground, Main Street, Thomastown
R.G.C Cook Reserve Playground, Robinvale Avenue, Thomastown
St Albans Reserve Playground, Boundary Road, Thomson
McDonalds Reserve Playground, Clarendon Street, Thornbury
Penders Park Playground, St David Street, Thornbury
Toolern Vale Recreation Reserve Playground, Diggers Rest Road, Toolern Vale
Tooradin Flying School Playground, South Gippsland Hwy, Tooradin
Tooradin Foreshore Reserve Playground, Foreshore Road, Tooradin
Brookville Gardens Playground, Fairbairn Road, Toorak
Surf Beach Drive Playground, Torquay
Torquay Play Space, Cnr Esplanade and Zeally Bay Road, Torquay
Million Dollar Park Playground, Perennial Drive, Truganina
Leo Dineen Reserve Playground, Dorothy Street, Tullamarine
Bunguyan Park Playground, Frankston-Flinders Road, Tyabb
Central Recreation Reserve Playground, Frankston-Flinders Road, Tyabb
Upwey South Recreational Reserve Playground, Eloera Street, Upwey
Price Park Playground, Lyon Road, Viewbank
Community Bank Adventure Play Space, Hadfield Park, Queen Street, Wallan
Wandin North Reserve Playground, Park Street, Wandin North
Wantirna Reserve Playground, Mountain Highway, Wantirna
Thomas Avenue Playground, Warburton
Stiggants Reserve Playground, Police Street, Warrandyte
Warrandyte Federation Playspace, Yarra Street, Warrandyte
Warrandyte Reserve Playground, Warrandyte Road, Warrandyte
Colman Park Playground, Croydon Road, Warrandyte South
A.K. Line Reserve Playground, Grimshaw Street, Watsonia
Binnak Park Playground, Sharpes Road, Watsonia
Binnak Park Playground, Anderson Parade, Watsonia North
Binnak Park Playground, Binnak Drive, Watsonia North
Peppers Paddock Playground, Kangaroo Ground - Wattle Glen Road, Wattle Glen
Harpley Adventure Playground, Black Forest Road, Werribee
Kelly Park Playground, Cherry Street, Werribee
Village Park Playground, Newmarket Road, Werribee
Wyndham Park Playground, Comben Drive, Werribee
Price Reserve Playground, OConnors Road, Werribee South
Wesburn Park Playground, Warburton Highway, Wesburn
Flagstaff Gardens Playground, William Street, West Melbourne
Commonweath Reserve Playground, Nelson Place, Williamstown
Fort Gellibrand Playground, Battery Road, Williamstown
Maclean Reserve Playground, Cnr Aitken Street and Parker Street, Williamstown
Gladstone Gardens Playground, Upton Road, Windsor
Old Yarra Road Playground, Wonga Park
Presidents Park Playground, McGrath Road, Wyndham Vale
Yallambie Park Playground, Moola Close, Yallambie
McKenzie Reserve Playground, Bell Street, Yarra Glen
Yarra Junction Recreational Reserve Playground, Park Road, Yarra Junction
Yarraville Gardens Playground, Somerville Road, Yarraville
Online Search for Playgrounds with Toilets:
It is possible to use the Enhanced Search facility to find a playground within a certain distance of a suburb which has a toilet.