Playgrounds | Melbourne & Victoria

Playgrounds | Melbourne & Victoria

We have a huge database of playground reviews covering almost every playground in Victoria (more than 5000 playgrounds). Each playground review has a description, rating, address, photos and summary of facilities (such as shelter, BBQs, picnic tables, shade, water tap, toilets, tennis rebound wall, basketball court, secure fencing, all-abilities access and Liberty swing for people in wheelchairs)

Use Fast Find to quickly find a playground in a specified location.

Use the Extended Search to search for playgrounds in a certain area with particular facilities such as shade, secure fencing, BBQ, shelter or toilets. It also offers searching based on rating.

Alternately, the Melbourne Playgrounds Maps are Google maps showing playgrounds locations with links to the reviews.

If you want to cut to the chase, we've put together our list of the Top 50 playgrounds in Melbourne and Geelong and The Best Playgrounds in each Council Area. An addendum is Epic Playgrounds Built During Lockdown.

We've also created guides on the best playgrounds in each area of Melbourne, Geelong and regional Victoria.

Looking for something special in a playground such as a giant slide, shade, all-abilities access or a theme? Then check out these compilations to focus your search.
Alternatively check out the best playgrounds by following Melbourne Playgrounds on Facebook and Pinterest.

We're including the fun for everyone including those with a disability. Check out Celebration of the best all-abilities playgrounds in Melbourne and Playground Resources for Children with Disabilities in Melbourne and Victoria.

Apart from a Google search on this page, another way of finding suitable playgrounds is to search for activities by suburb.

If you know of any playground which we have yet to review or has been upgraded please send us an email.

Playgrounds | Melbourne & Victoria, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000