Phoenix Park Neighbourhood House (East Malvern)

Phoenix Park Neighbourhood is a not for profit organisation which offers low-cost educational, recreational and social activities to the local community.
We aim to provide courses and activities which meet the needs of our community and are always open to suggestions as to new activities. Our courses are designed to be inclusive and wheelchair access is provided to the building, the toilets and our activities. In addition, our computer room has desks which accommodate wheelchairs, software and hardware to assist those of all abilities.
Programs include School Holiday Program, Exercise and Wellbeing, Digital Photography, Computers, Children's Programs, Parenting, Children's Language Groups, Driver Education, Social and Activity Groups and The Arts.
The Neighbourhood House is next to a great playground, skate park, picnic facilities, toilets, cafe and nice artwork.
22 Rob Roy Road, Malvern East 3145 Map
✆ (03) 9530 4397
Email Enquiry
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→ Phoenix Park Neighbourhood House on Facebook