Phoenix Harmony Chorus (Hampton Park)

We sing a wide range of popular songs from Elvis to Irving, from Pop to Classical, in the A Cappella barbershop harmony style - the barbershop lead (tenor) voice singing the melody, the barbershop tenor (counter-tenor) harmonising above the lead, the bass singing the lowest notes and the barbershop baritone finding a fourth harmony note sometimes above and sometimes below the melody line.
The Phoenix Harmony Chorus rehearses on Wednesday nights at the Hampton Park Senior Citizens Centre, Hampton Park.
Note: The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus has two choruses - the long-established Melbournaires Harmony Chorus in Doncaster East, and a chorus for Melbourne's southern suburbs, Phoenix Harmony Chorus in Hampton Park.
2 Narellan Drive, Hampton Park 3976 Map
✆ 0414 997 330
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