Phillip Island Tenpin Bowling and Entertainment Centre (Cowes)

We offer the latest, most modern tenpin bowling experience in Australia, with automatic scoring, bumper bowling for young players and so much more. The Centre also includes: Pool Tables, Lounge, Cafe, Lazer Zone, X-Box, Air Hockey Tables, Table Tennis, Interactive Games, Austar Entertainment on a large screen and many of the latest amusement games.

Laser Zone
We offer the latest in exciting state of the art action games suitable for ages 10+. Lazer Zone is a real life laser game where each person in the arena puts on an electronic pack with flashing lights and built in sound. The Lazer Zone arena is a dark maze with hidden zones that players can duck in, out and around in but it is a very safe play environment.
The aim of the game is to tag as many of the opposing players as you can within the 5 or 10 minute game time. When ever you tag a player with your laser you will receive a certain amount of points depending on which part of their pack you tag.
Opening Hours:
Opening Times
91 Settlement Road, Cowes 3922 Map
✆ (03) 5952 3977
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ Phillip Island Tenpin Bowling & Entertainment Centre on Facebook
→ Laser Tag / Skirmish Locations in Melbourne