Phillip Island Pony Club (Ventnor)

Phillip Island Pony Club (Ventnor)

Phillip Island Pony Club is a small, family orientated club. Rally days involve a combination of quality riding instruction and horsemastership in a safe supportive environment.

Our rally day is held on the 1st Sunday of each month except for January. Rallies commence with gear check at 9.45am and then the riders are divided into groups for instruction in different disciplines.

A normal rally would involve some flat work and Showjumping and XC with occasional games and dressage



93 Lyall Street,  Ventnor 3922 Map

0411 114 574

Email Enquiry

Web Links

Phillip Island Pony Club on Facebook (Private group)

Phillip Island Pony Club (Ventnor)93 Lyall Street,, Ventnor, Victoria, 3922