Patterson Lakes Tennis Club
Patterson Lakes Tennis Club is located at Patterson Lakes Recreation Reserve and has 6 mod grass courts with lights.
Juniors - Patterson Lakes Tennis Club currently offers Saturday morning junior competition with PTA.
To be eligible to participate in competition you must be a current financial member and 18 years or under.
Seniors - Patterson Lakes Tennis Club has senior teams participating in the BRTA, PTA and WDTA competition.
Social Tennis
Saturday Social - Patterson Lakes Tennis Club has a Saturday mid-morning social group subject to court availability. The group plays each Saturday week between 10:30AM - 1:00PM.
Night Social Tennis - Pick up your racquet and increase your fitness level by joining in on our Tuesday night social tennis starting at 7PM. Bar open. Open to non-members.
Court Hire
There are different hire rates for members, guests of members and visitors (price is also dependent on whether lights are required).
Hire a Court
Cnr Thompson Road and Learmonth Road, Patterson Lakes 3197 Map
✆ 0488 428 808
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ Patterson Lakes Tennis Club on Facebook