Kalimera Kids (Pascoe Vale South)

Kalimera Kids is an Early Learning Program that teaches pre-school Greek in a Fun & Easy way.
Our experienced staff provide a high-quality program with an emphasis on Greek Education and Culture. Kalimera Kids has been specifically designed to teach Greek as a secondary language.
The Program views each child as an individual, fostering self-confidence and independence whilst developing important social skills. It incorporates a number of activities such as:
- Story Telling
- Arts & Craft
- Singing
- Dancing
- Playing
- Puppet Shows
- Plus a number of other activities
Opening Hours:
Times & Locations
Located at Pascoe Vale South Primary.
411 Reynard Street, Pascoe Vale South 3044 Map
✆ 0414 777 600
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ www.kalimerakids.com.au
→ Kalimera Kids on Facebook