Ovens - Australian Pumpkin Seed Company

Australian Pumpkin Seed Company is family owned and operated. We specialise in the 'Styrian' 'naked' dark green pumpkin seed as it is the best eating and is well known for its superior pumpkin seed oil production.
Taste test pumpkin seeds, pumpkin seed oil and more. See the factory through a viewing window: where packets are filled and made, the oil press and chocolate panning room. Get a coffee or hot chocolate (made with real dark chocolate buttons) and learn all about how wonderful pumpkin seeds are to eat... you can experience the delicious nutty flavour for yourself!
Situated with views of Mt Buffalo on the main road to Bright and the snow fields, we have the popular rail trail going past our front door.
5061 Great Alpine Road, Ovens 3738 Map
✆ (03) 5752 1199
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ www.pumpkinseed.net.au
→ Pumpkin Seeds Australia on Facebook