Ormond Glenhuntly Hunters Baseball Club (Ormond)

Ormond Glenhuntly Baseball Club has been in existence, in various forms, for more than 90 years. The club competes in Baseball Victoria's Summer League and, depending on interested numbers each year, can also field sides in Winter competitions.
It is an open and inclusive club that accommodates senior and junior players and teams of all skill levels, cultural backgrounds and experience. New players - seniors and juniors, males and females are welcome.
Ormond Glenhuntly Baseball Club participates in the following:
- Summer Season Men - Firsts, Seconds, Thirds and Fourths (Sunday Afternoon)
- Winter Season Dandenong Baseball Association - Firsts and Seconds (Saturday Afternoon)
- Teeball
- Under 14
- Under 16
Juniors Program
Summer Competition runs from October through to Feb/March, with pre-season training starting in September. Junior Training is on Thursday nights (5pm - 6:15pm) at E.E.Gunn Reserve. Please Note: This time may change over summer.
T-Ball for 4-8 yrs is held on Sunday morning (Oct - Dec 10am - 11am)
T-ball is a fun, entry level program for boys and girls aged 4-8 yrs. The batter hits a softer ball off a stand, or tee. There is no pitcher throwing the ball. Otherwise, it's essentially the same as baseball, with fielding, running and catching. The emphasis is on participation, fun and skill development. Playing registration includes a club cap and t-shirt. There is no additional training day and no regular inter-club competition. Active parent involvement and participation in the game is supported and encouraged.
Little League B for 8-12 yrs is held on Friday night (Oct-Feb. Time varies with summer daylight. Approx. 6pm - 7:30pm)
Friday night junior competition during summer is a great way to get into baseball, or in transitioning from T-ball. The base distances are shorter and there are slightly modified game rules for children.
The emphasis is on having fun in a team, and providing players with the skills for playing baseball. Balmy summer nights create an enjoyable family environment and is a great start to the weekend. Parental assistance during games is needed for scoring, coaching, field set up, and canteen help.
Little League Major for 9-12 yrs (Sunday morning Oct - Feb 9am - 11am)
Little League Major Matrix: Aged 9, and not yet 13 by Sept 1
Little League Major is the highest baseball division for this age group, with emphasis on improving each player's skills and game play abilities with their team mates. Feb/March is Charter competitions and further skills development. Emphasis is on enjoying the game, and providing players with the baseball skills for moving through to Senior baseball. Parental assistance during games is needed for scoring, coaching, field set up, and canteen help.
Intermediate League (Age 12-14) will be either Friday night or Sunday morning - TBA
Age Matrix: Aged 12, and not yet 15 by Sept 1
The emphasis is on having fun in a team, and providing players with the skills for playing baseball. Parental assistance during games is needed for scoring, coaching, field set up, and canteen help.
Club Fees
Ormond Glenhuntly Baseball Club is based at EE Gunn Reserve. Facilities include 2 diamonds, clubhouse, canteen, bar and showers.
37 Woodville Avenue, Ormond 3204 Map
✆ 0414 894 277
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ www.ormondglenhuntlybaseball.com.au
→ Ormond Glenhuntly Baseball Club on Facebook