Orbost - Youngs Creek Falls

The walking track to the falls begins at the back of the picnic area and gently winds its way downstream to the top of the Young's Creek waterfall where there is a viewing platform. Here the creek surges over a rock face to plunge into a large pool some 13 metres below. From the top of this rock face the track descends into a ferny gully and then to the base of the falls where Kanuka and Teatree are growing in abundance.
The falls are located near the Young's Creek Picnic Ground which is about 12km north of Orbost. At the picnic area there are toilets, picnic tables, wood fire pits and car park.
Horse riders and cyclists are most welcome and can enjoy the scenery as they ride one of the many quiet bush tracks leading to the picnic area.
History of the site
The Young's Creek picnic area is located on the site of an old sawmill, once owned and operated by L.E. & H. Williams, dating back to the early 1920's. The mill was eventually sold, dismantled, and the machinery transferred to a sawmill at Cabbage Tree Creek. Although native vegetation has reoccupied the site, close inspection will reveal items of old sawmill debris. The old steam engine at the edge of the car park is the remains of the mill's former power plant. This portable steam engine was constructed in Leiston, Suffolk, in England.
Walking tracks
There are currently three walking tracks that all begin at the picnic area. The first track takes you to the Young's Creek waterfall, the second is a short loop track through the forest and the third is a longer track that will take you to the historic reservoir wall on Young's Creek.
1. Young's Creek Waterfall Walking Track
Skill Level: Basic Fitness Level: Average
0.6 km return (15 mins)
See description above.
2. Forest-Loop Walking Track
Skill Level: Basic Fitness Level: Average
0.8 km return (20 mins)
The forest-loop walking track begins just west of the car park area. This walking track will take you through a picturesque forest dominated by Stringybarks, Southern Mahoganies and Grey Gums. The forest understorey is varied and includes Treeferns, Lilly Pillies and Pittosporums. Three small bridges will take you across lush green gullies before heading up onto drier ground where the forest becomes open and the vegetation increasingly sparse.
3. Young's Creek Reservoir Walking Track
Skill Level: Basic Fitness Level: Average
4.6 km return (2 hours)
The walking track to the reservoir begins just west of the car park area. The track passes through eucalypt forest and some warm temperate rainforest on Young's Creek. The rainforest has a closed canopy, keeping the sunlight out and creating cool conditions beneath. The reservoir was commissioned in 1918 to supply the Orbost Township with water. The reservoir wall stands 7.8 metres high and the pondage held up to 118 megalitres of water. The reservoir is no longer in use but the wall is still standing and can be viewed from the viewing platform.
Getting There:
The most direct route to Youngs Creek picnic area is to travel north through Orbost and turn right onto the Bonang Road. Follow the Bonang Road for 6.3 kilometres to where 4.5 Mile Track begins. Turn right onto 4.5 Mile Track and travel for 2.3 kilometres where you will then reach Storers Track. At this intersection turn right onto Storers Track and travel in an easterly direction. Storers Track gradually descends and crosses Young's Creek. Once over the bridge, cars can be parked in the cleared area directly opposite the picnic area. The route to the falls is well signposted and suitable for 2WD cars.
Access for Dogs:
Dogs are permitted.
Photo Credit: Ken McCarthy
Storers Track, Orbost 3888 Map