Omeo Historical Park and Justice Precinct

Omeo Historical Park and Justice Precinct

Take a step back in time and visit the Historical Park and Justice Precinct. Five heritage listed buildings make up the Justice Precinct, with the collection housed in and around the Historic Park. The police cookhouse and stables were built in 1883.

The museum is housed in the old courthouse and contains many artefacts of the region's history. Some of the fascinating paraphernalia makes it worth a visit.

Visit the 1858 log goal, where the last prisoner was held in 1981. The Old Log jailhouse is a great relic of the most lawless goldfield in Australia. Its thick walls, dark interior and displays transport you to a bygone era. The exterior consist of hardwood logs while the internal walls are made from black wood.

There is a Zulu waterwheel which was moved to the park from the Zulu Creek goldfields near Gibbo River. It was used to power a gold crushing stamper.

Opening Hours:

The grounds are always open, the buildings are open daily 10am-2pm including weekends and public holidays.


Day Avenue,  Omeo 3898 Map

(03) 51 591 515

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Omeo Historical Park and Justice PrecinctDay Avenue,, Omeo, Victoria, 3898