Okukan Karate (Coburg)

Okukan is a modern Japanese martial arts school of karate-Do.
Okukan teaches the authentic Shitoryu style of karate, as originally founded by Master Kenwa Mabuni and later endorsed by the World Karate Federation (WKF), with high quality instruction and affiliation to mainstream peak bodies. It is one of the four main styles of karate in Japan.
Kids Karate Programs
Children in our Dojo learn strong foundations of Japanese Shitoryu karate and are taught every week, including during school holidays, for regular and sustained training.
Beginner karate classes for children are delivered by age and level, and our karate class numbers are restricted. Sensei Sandra ensures spirit, discipline and technique carries through from age 4 - with a splash of fun.
Karate for Adults
Our adult martial arts classes require no previous karate experience, and are delivered by Sensei Sandra continuously throughout the year.
The first few karate lessons will introduce you straight into effective combat moves for self-defence and will give you an opportunity to learn generic martial arts drills, as well as fundamental karate principles.
9 Hunt Street, Coburg 3058 Map
✆ 0490 112 360
Web Links
→ www.okukan.com.au