Ocean Grove Beach

Ocean Grove Beach is located in the centre of the 9.5 km long beach that curves in a broad, south facing arc from Point Lonsdale to the Barwon River mouth. The Ocean Grove section is 2 km long and faces south-east.
The town of Ocean Grove backs the beach, with a wide foreshore reserve between the town and the beach. It provides extensive parking, together with most beach amenities. The good parking and easy access, together with the surf club patrols by the Ocean Grove Surf Life Saving Club and slightly lower waves make this a popular summer beach.
For swimming, it is a moderately safe beach, particularly during average summer conditions, when extensive bars dominate. It is best at high tide, however watch the rips, particularly at low tide and it is best to stay between the flags.
For surfing it usually has wide, moderate to low beach breaks; more popular with summer surfers.
Overall, it is a popular summer beach, which can hold a large crowd. It has a wide, shallow surf zone with rips increasing up the beach, so it is best to stay near the surf club and bathe in the patrolled area.
Surf Beach Road, Ocean Grove 3226 Map
Web Links
→ Ocean Grove Beach (Beach Safe)