Nunniong - Bentley Plain Natural Features and Scenic Reserve

There are three scenic and easy walks from the Moscow Villa in the Bentley Plain Natural Features and Scenic Reserve - Nunniong State Forest which offer a rare chance to experience up close beautiful natural environments reserved from logging. Covering around 150 hectares of sub-alpine grassland, wet heathland and forest, the plain supports a variety of sensitive ecosystems unique to this environment.
The 67km drive to Bentley Plain can be approached as a loop from either Ensay or Swifts Creek and the views along the way are often spectacular. Giant soft tree ferns and the massive trunks of Pepper-mint Gum, Manna Gum, Alpine Ash and Silvertop Ash tower overhead as the road climbs to over 1000m to the reserve.

Douglas Reserve Walk
400 metres return (15 minutes) Grade 3. Short steep hills, formed track, some obstacles. Viewing platforms & boardwalks. Signposted, many steps.
The Douglas Reserve honours Moray Douglas, Swifts Creek's first district forester. Douglas worked to create the reserve while working in the area between 1958-1966 to show how the Nunniong Forest was before logging. The area became permanently reserved in 1978.
Of high conservation value, the reserve comprises old growth forest featuring many large Alpine Ash - Eucalyptus delegatensis, Candle-bark - E. Rubida, Mountain Gums - E. dalrympleana, Soft Tree Ferns - Dicksonia antarctica, Mountain Pepper - Tasmannia lanceolate, Mountain Tea Tree - Leptospermum grandifolium and many other species of tree and flowering plant. In late spring/early summer keep your eyes open for the plethora of alpine flowers including orchids and everlasting daisies. The reserve is a haven for birdlife including Superb Lyrebirds - Menura superba.
Bentley Creek Walk
1.7 km loop (45 minutes to one hour return) Grade 3. Short steep hills, formed track some obstacles. Signposted.
Access this delightful alpine grassland walk from the Bentley Plain campground picnic area, a few hundred metres from the Moscow Villa hut.
A boardwalk has been built across the precious alpine grassland, alpine fen and wet heathlands of the plain and crosses the picturesque Bentley Creek.
Look up to see sweeping 360 degree panoramas of the high forested ridges above, and to the west. look for the Mount Nugong fire tower, once staffed by Bill ah Chow who built the Moscow Villa as a shelter in the 1940s.
The walk continues gently uphill through varied communities of trees and shrubs which offer shelter and food to countless mammal, bird, amphibian, reptile, insect and fungus species.
Bentley Plain Walk
Return loop 2.5km (1 - 1.5 hours) Grade 3. Short steep hills, formed track, some obstacles. Interpretive signage & boardwalks.
Thick, soft leaf litter covers much of the track along this beautiful walk which meanders beneath a canopy of giant Eucalyptus trees and mountain tea tree, through sphagnum moss beds and opening to vistas across the ecologically significant environment of the Bentley Plain.
This reserved area features many old forest trees that offer important habitat to many birds and mammal species, including the endangered Powerful Owl and resident glider possums.
Birdwatchers are drawn to this place for the sheer variety of woodland birds the forest supports. Many important and endangered flora species can also be found here as well as an amazing variety of fungus of all shapes and sizes, particularly after rain and throughout autumn.
Bentley Plain Road, Nunniong 3896 Map