Nunawading Toy Library (Forest Hill)

We are a voluntary organisation made up of parents and carers, run by and for the families of Nunawading and district. A toy library is a place where parents or carers can go to borrow a large variety of educational toys, puzzles and games on a regular basis. Nunawading Toy Library aims to support families and encourage them to spend time playing with their children.
Quality toys are expensive and children quickly become bored with a toy once its play value has been exhausted. By providing new play materials every week or two, parents can save money and significantly contribute towards the development and education of their children.
Why Join Nunawading Toy Library?
- Have access to a large variety of quality toys for children of various ages (we have over 1000 items);
- Expose your child to an enormous range of play experiences;
- Find out what your child likes to play with and how;
- Have access to ideas and information about child development;
- Contribute to the community;
- Meet other parents and carers;
- Save money;
- Say goodbye to boredom!
Opening Hours:
Opening Times
Membership Costs
19 Norma Rd, Forest Hill 3131 Map
✆ 0449 123 889
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ Nunawading Toy Library Inc. on Facebook