Nunawading Community Garden (Forest Hill)

Whitehorse City Council has land available for residents who wish to garden in their spare time. One of the locations is the Municipal Horticulture Centre in Forest Hill.
The Gardens are historically significant being the first Community gardens established in Australia in 1977. The land is available from the council for residents to rent and garden organically in a social atmosphere. We have a rich diversity of cultures creating a comprehensive range of vegetables, herbs and flowers. Fruit trees grace our perimeter and can be shared by the local community. Each plot is approximately 4x4.25meters or 4x9.5 meters and produce is for personal consumption.
Nunawading Community Gardens
The first community gardens in Australia, established 8 October 1977.
The idea for the gardens originated with local Councillor Gavan Oakley who had seen the allotment system in England. His vision was for a community space that would facilitate social interaction save householders money on their food bills, teach community, members how to garden, and give residents-both young and old-the opportunity to participate in an enjoyable leisure activity in an urban environment.
Following community consultation, the Jolimont Road land was chosen as the preferred site, having been used for agriculture and horticulture for more than a century.
A working bee was held on Saturday, 8 October 1977 to construct the gardens. Members of the community turned up in droves to roll up their sleeves and get to work. They constructed the fence, measured out plots and shovelled soil. At the end of the day, all 64 plots were allocated through a ballot and the first seeds were planted.
And so began the very first community gardens in Australia-then called the Nunawading Community Gardens Cooperative. Demand was so great that several extensions were made until 127 plots were available at Jolimont Road, with another garden created in 1983 in Slater Reserve, Blackburn North.
As the first in Australia, the Nunawading Community Gardens has served as inspiration for other community groups and councils looking to establish their own sustainable gardening programs, creating opportunities for community members to socialize and to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. There are now hundreds of community gardens across the country.
Visitors are welcome to wander through and enjoy the gardens; however please respect that the vegetables and flowers are the property of the plot holders.
82 Jolimont Road, Forest Hill 3131 Map
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