Numurkah - Kinnairds Wetlands

Kinnairds Wetland is located north of the Broken Creek, near Numurkah.
What is Kinnairds?
Kinnairds Wetland is part of a larger natural wetland (a prior stream depression). Covering an area of nearly 100 hectares of natural and constructed wetlands, Kinnairds Wetland is part of a scheme designed to provide major regional drainage benefits for land in the Muckatah Catchment. The wetland is fed by flows from the Muckatah Surface Water Management Scheme, which has a 600 square kilometre catchment, beginning in Yarrawonga.
The natural and constructed areas of the wetland act as a retarding basin. This aids in filtering sediments and nutrients, and minimises the rate of flows entering the Broken Creek to the south, which eventually flows into the Murray River in the Barmah Forest.
Although part of Kinnairds Wetland is constructed, designed and managed as a filtration system it is still an important part of a biologically diverse area. This diverse area includes wetlands and woodlands which provide habitat for a variety of wildlife including birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fish.
As well as wetland, Kinnairds other main habitat feature is River Red Gum Woodland. The woodland varies from mature old trees to dense stands of River Red Gum regeneration.
Some of this regeneration has occurred following large flood events in 1956, 1974-75 and 1992-93. The different age classes of trees from these flood events are quite distinct. Look for them as you walk around. These are all connected to the Broken Creek with its mature River Red Gum communities and Grey Box Woodland providing a core habitat and a wildlife corridor to Kinnairds Wetland.
The wildlife you experience at Kinnairds Wetland will change with the seasons and other conditions such as flooding and drying. Birds are probably the most obvious. To date over 100 species of birds have been recorded. Go along quietly and you might see small birds such as the beautiful Scarlet Robin and watch overhead for birds of prey including Wedge-tailed Eagle, Whistling Kite and Peregrine Falcon.
On the wetlands some of the more common birds to look out for include Spoonbills, ducks, Ibis, Herons and Cormorants. Possums, bats, kangaroos, Sugar Gliders and Water Rat are all known to inhabit the area. Reptiles include Eastern Brown Snake, Tiger Snake and Tree Goanna. Frogs are most noticeable by their calls and one of the more vocal but less common is the Growling Grass Frog.
Things to do at Kinnairds
There are a range of constructed trails suitable for walking and cycling, boardwalks, bird hides and picnic areas give you the opportunity to enjoy the wonderful diversity of wetlands, woodlands and wildlife.
Walks include:
Red Gum Walk
Distance: 3.5 kilometre loop track
Time: 1 hour
Start: Either the southern or northern entry and visit the spillway board walk and northern bird hide.
Features: A range of panoramic views around the entire Kinnairds Wetland and passes many large River Red Gums (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) some of which are more than 300 years old.
Wetland Walk
Distance: 2 kilometre loop trail
Time: 30 minutes
Start: Northern entry point or join it from the Red Gum Walk.
Features: Long views over the water quality wetlands on the eastern side of Kinnairds Wetland including a spillway boardwalk and eastern birdhide.
Young Red Gum Trail Link
Distance: 1 kilometre
Time: 15 minutes
Start: Southern carpark and picnic shelter
Features: Links southern carpark and picnic shelter to the spillway boardwalk travelling through River Red Gum regeneration forest. The forest provides a different habitat type for resident and migratory bird species and wildlife.
Please help to look after Kinnairds Wetlands:
- Remember there are no toilets. These are provided in nearby Numurkah.
- Keep to the constructed trails and avoid disturbing the wildlife.
- Please take your rubbish home with you.
- Dogs, cats, firearms, fires, motorbikes, horse riding, camping and fishing are prohibited.
- Take only photographs and leave only footprints
Access for Dogs:
Dogs are are prohibited in the wetlands.
Kinnairds Road, Numurkah 3636 Map
Web Links
→ Kinnairds Wetlands Brochure (inside pages)
→ Kinnairds Wetlands Brochure (outside pages)