North Eastern Horse and Pony Club (Viewbank)

North Eastern Horse and Pony Club is situated in the north-east suburbs of Melbourne. In addition to all the regular pony club activities offered at most clubs, we also have a superb community-run 'Riders without Horses' program and can provide onsite agistment for members with horses.
The club's land area accommodates 3 arenas, with lighting and a challenging cross country track. The full kitchen facilities allow for regular events.
The club provides a buddy system for any new riders, where the more experienced riders can help with the new riders horse or pony.
The club holds it's rally on the first Sunday of the month, visitors are always welcome.
Clinics are held regularly during the year by arrangement. Private lessons are given during the week.

Riders Without Horses Program
The Club owns horses/ponies so that members of the community can have riding lessons and participate in PCAV activities without having to buy a horse through our 'Riders Without Horses' programme.
This program provides the opportunity for families to learn about the requirements of horse ownership and Pony Club participation before making the commitment of purchasing or it provides children with the opportunity to enjoy horse riding and horse mastership without needing to purchase, agist and maintain a horse/pony.
The program is not "hire and ride". Members join the Club and learn to ride and care for a horse/pony as if it were their own, in accordance with the ideals and objectives of the Pony Club Association of Victoria (PCAV). Riding is only one aspect of pony club, members will learn catching and releasing a horse, leading, tying up, rugging, grooming, feeding, saddling and putting on a bridle. Theory is a big part of our program. Members can study for certificates within the pony club movement.
Riders without Horses runs as per school terms and members commit on a term by term basis. Members come fortnightly which usually permits 4 - 6 sessions per term. The club is not a commercial riding school, all horses/ponies are cared for by members of the club and all administration is voluntary. The chief instructor is experienced and the Pony Club has a mentor program for older members to complete their Level O instructors course and take part in the lessons. Riders may need considerably more than a term before they reach a standard where they are safe and in control when riding outside the fenced learning area (menage). Our horses/ponies are not follow the leader horses which means the rider must learn to ride rather than just "sit" on the horse.
Program Details & Costs
451 Banyule Road, Viewbank 3084 Map
✆ 0433 751 841
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ North Eastern Horse and Pony Club - NEHPC on Facebook
→ Riders Without Horses Program on Facebook