Norlane Community Centre

The Norlane Community Centre is neighbourhood house in Norlane. We are a not-for-profit organisation receiving funds from the Department of Health & Human Services to provide opportunities for local people to connect, learn and contribute in their local community through social, community development, recreational and support activities.
We form part of a state-wide network of neighbourhood houses and are managed under the Neighbourhood House Coordination Program Guidelines.
Courses & Activities
What's Here
Garden Plots
Norlane Community Fruit, Herb & Vegetable Garden is self managed by residents of all ages, cultures and abilities, to grow fresh healthy fruit & vegetables for their own use. If you are interested in your own veggie patch contact Tabatha on 52758124
Tool Pool
Need to mow the lawn but can't afford the cost of a mower or hiring someone? Become a member of NCC Tool Pool for a $5 yearly membership and $5 mower hire fee. There are some hand tools and wheelbarrows that are free to borrow. Tuesday and Fridays 9am to 12pm. Enquiries 03 5275 8124.
Computer Lab
We have 10 desktop computers and tablet devices for community use in our computer lab. Usage is free to local community members and devices are generally available from Monday to Friday unless classes are being held.
Norlane Community Centre can photocopy, laminate or send faxes for a minimum cost.
Room Hire
We have a range of room hire options available for meetings, events and other activities.
Our hall can accommodate up to 80 people. We have three rooms that are ideal for training and can accommodate up to 30 people. The centre has an equipped industrial kitchen for hire. We have smaller consult rooms and a board room for hire.
Northern Futures
Northern Futures has its offices here at Norlane Community Centre. Northern Futures works closely with job service providers, local industry, government, schools and the community to connect and include people, enhance their opportunities for personal growth and ultimately, change lives. Visit the Northern Futures page at
GForce Employment Solutions has an office here at Norlane Community Centre. For more information or to get in contact with GForce staff visit their website.
39A Rose Avenue, Norlane 3214 Map
✆ (03) 5275 8124
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ Norlane Community Centre on Facebook