Nillumbik Emus Orienteering Club

Nillumbik Emus is a club for bush, mountain bike, park and street orienteers and rogainers.
Nillumbik Emus is one of the larger and more active orienteering clubs in Victoria. Nillumbik Emus is affiliated with the Orienteering Victoria (OV), and we take our turn to organise Street, Bush and Mountain Bike orienteering events.
We welcome individuals and families; keen competitors and people who simply enjoy the challenge of improving their fitness and navigational skills. We organise foot and mountain bike orienteering events in attractive forest areas.
There is also a strong focus on Park & Street Orienteering and many members are active Rogainers. Coaching is available for newcomers. We get together at events and keep in touch through a regular club newsletter and social gatherings.
Membership of the club is broadly based with members from all parts of metropolitan Melbourne and regional areas. All events are suitable for newcomers of all ages.
Reasons to join Nillumbik Emus Orienteering Club are:
- A club that does it all - Bush, Park and Street, Mountain Biking and Rogaining Events.
- A club that provides training - to participate in events, to organize events and to set courses.
- Social events - for after-running enjoyment.
- Junior members have played a major part in the State Junior Squads.
- A great running top in street-orienteering - a stylish, high-contrast professional running top - subsidised by the club to reduce the cost to members.
- A regular newsletter, Emus Online, that keep you in touch with what's happening.
- An informative orienteering website - with a focus on training for new orienteers.
- A club with a focus on participation and quality events - with your support and involvement, we can be even better.
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