Nieuwesteeg Heritage Rose Garden (Maddingley)

Nieuwesteeg Heritage Rose Garden (Maddingley)

Nieuwesteeg Heritage Rose Garden is a collection of rare and unusual roses, mostly hybrid teas, which were bred in the early 20th century. The rose garden was established from 2009, with stock donated by rosarian John Nieuwesteeg.

The garden is located on the south side of Maddingley Park, Bacchus Marsh near the entrance from Bacchus Marsh railway station. Six beds of roses are arranged around the bandstand and some roses climb up the base of the bandstand itself.

There is a substantial group of roses bred or found in Australia, including rarities by Alister Clark, Olive Fitzhardinge, Frank Riethmuller and Patrick Grant. Others are unusual or unique in Australian public collections.

There is also the Commemorative Rose Garden which was planted first in 2005 when locals donated funds to purchase the plants in memory of family and friends. This garden is at the corner of Grant Street and Taverner Street.

The Friends of Maddingley Park Rose Carers meet every Wednesday at the Commemorative Rose Garden between 10.00am and 12.00. Contact: Elaine Mobile: 0400 052 857 or Pamela Mobile: 0418 171 119


Station Street,  Maddingley 3340 Map

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Nieuwesteeg Heritage Rose Garden (Maddingley)Station Street,, Maddingley, Victoria, 3340