Nhill Aviation Heritage Centre

The Nhill Aviation Heritage Centre provides an insight into life on a World War II air base through informative displays and memorabilia. An Avro Anson aircraft is also being restored.
Since the very early days of Australian aviation, Nhill has played an important part as a refuelling station and later, during World War II a training facility for the Royal Australian Air Force.
Famous aviators who have landed at Nhill include Bert Hinkler, Charles Butler, 'Horrie' Miller, Charles Kingsford Smith, Amy Johnson, Jimmy Mollison and Nancy Bird and almost every major figure in Australia's aviation history. Nhill also hosted the first East-West Air Race from Sydney to Perth in 1929 and the Brisbane-Adelaide centenary race in 1936.
Nhill's aerodrome attained national significance during the Second World War as the site of a Royal Australian Air Force Base. Between 1941 and 1946, approximately 10,000 Air Force personnel trained at Nhill. Aspects of training required a bombing range which was set up in the Little Desert south of Nhill Township. Avro Ansons were the main aircraft used in training, with up to 35 Ansons on the Base on any given day.
Opening Hours:
Open 10am to 4pm weekends and public holidays, or by prior arrangement.
Admission Costs
78 Aerodrome Road, Nhill 3418 Map
✆ 0428 911 387 /0490 657 770
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ www.nhillaviationheritagecentre.com.au
→ Nhill Aviation Heritage Centre on Facebook