Newport Judo Club

At Newport Judo School we are about the serious and disciplined job of learning judo with a Good Healthy dose of Fun! All Judo Schools spend a lot of time developing Throwing and Grappling skills. We also play Games as well. Lots of them. Usually Judo Specific, these Judo Games are designed for skill development and fun.
There have been judo Olympics from very early in the modern Olympic movement. The art or Judo Kata is widely taught in the Judo Club and is the basis of judo self defense and childrens martial arts classes. We also teach principles from the Protective Behaviors Program. This along with Judo principals provides the tools to avoid conflict as well as confidence and the ability to control situations or defend if necessary.
As a thinking persons sport Judo requires an understanding of tactics and discipline as well as attitude. Hence we spend time talking about personal development.
I loved the advertisement for the 2000 Olympics that showed a seen of Judo players approaching each other. The slogan was "You are my Opponent not my enemy". I think this epitomizes the Spirit of Judo. It is a way of thinking that we try to Promote at Newport Judo School.
Discipline is often a reason parents bring children to Martial Arts. We believe in discipline at Newport Judo but we also know that rigid discipline can stifle creativity and a really good judo player is not only a thinking person but a creative person. Discipline and growth are gained over time, not expected but nurtured. Respect is also something that parents require their children to learn from Martial Arts. Respect must be gained, it can never be assumed and it can only be gained through trust. We aim to gain the trust of parents and children alike. Respect will always follow those who are honored because they are trusted. At Newport Judo School we encourage, physical, Spiritual and mental growth.
Opening Hours:
Training times: Thursday Evenings during school term only
Juniors 5 Years Old and Up
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM Beginners and Advanced.
7:00 PM to 7:30 PM Advanced.
U/16's and Seniors
7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
First Class is Free
Then $12.00 per Class.
Registration, Insurance and Uniform additional after 4 weeks trial.
Please contact for special rates.
26 Mason Street, Newport 3015 Map
✆ 0408 541 015
Email Enquiry
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→ Newport Judo Club