Neptune Park Playground, Neptune Terrace, Mernda

Neptune Park Playground, Neptune Terrace, Mernda

Interesting playground set on multiple levels. There is a big tunnel slide at the top of the hill, stand on spinner, rope climbing frame, spinning cup with handwheel, springer, swings, giant snake slithering across the playground and a huge sandpit with two diggers, sand play table, swing for toddlers and a water pump (not working).

There is a shelter with two tables and BBQs. Also a water tap, unshaded table and seats, grassy area with metal soccer goals and football posts plus an outdoor gym.



3E Neptune Terrace,  Mernda 3754 Map

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100 Free Water Play Spaces in Melbourne and Regional Victoria

Neptune Park Playground, Neptune Terrace, Mernda3E Neptune Terrace,, Mernda, Victoria, 3754