Nelson - Princess Margaret Rose Cave

Note: Princess Margaret Rose Cave is set to be open from mid-2023 following upgrades.
Princess Margaret Rose Cave is one of the most spectacular limestone caves in Australia. Semi-translucent and backlit stalactites, stalagmites, helictites and flow stone form sculptures and miniature landscapes that could be from another planet.
Come and wonder at mother natures gifts, see stalactites, stalagmites, helictites, rimstone pools, cave coral and many other amazing formations on a 45 minute guided tour with a professional interpretive officer.
The cave is located only 30 minutes from Mount Gambier and 15 minutes from Nelson. The caves are two kilometres east of the South Australian border and can be reached by a sealed road from Mt Gambier or unsealed roads from Nelson and Dartmoor.
Glenelg River Cruises leave from Nelson at 1.00pm and make their way up river to the cave on a scenic and leisurely 1.5 hour cruise. (Glenelg River Cruises (08) 8738 4191)
Camping and Cabin accommodation on site in a secluded setting near the Glenelg river. Kiosk on site with food and some supply's.
There are a number of well sign posted turnoffs from the main roads to the caves. The road from the Princess Highway is tarmac all the way.
The caves are set in a pleasant surroundings with a few short and longer walks available from the car park. A nice short nature walk links the kiosk and car park areas and you can walk down to the Glenelg river on an asphalt path (about 300m). In addition, there is a 30 minute Woodland walk and a 1km 20 minute return River View Nature Walk. There are also shaded picnic tables. All of this means that you don't need to worry too much about ensuring that you arrive close to the start of the tour time since there is plenty to occupy your time while waiting.
It should be noted that tours are on Victorian time, which can be a trap for people on SA time and wanting to catch the last tour of the day.
It is possible to hire canoes and kayaks.
There is a narrow path of 68 steps to enter the cave and then it opens out to a larger chamber. The caves are spectacular with lots of stalagmites, stalactites and columns. The guide points out all the unusual formations, how the formations have been formed and the history of the caves. The tour lasts about 40 minutes which was ideal for the kids.
Princess Margaret Rose Caves Road, Mumbannar 3304 Map
✆ (08) 8738 4171
Web Links
→ Princess Margaret Rose Cave (Parks Victoria)