Neerim East Road Playground, Neerim South

Fantastic country playground. The highlight is the Spider Space which is composed of three high towers with exciting tunnel and twisting spiral slides, walkways, high ladders and spiders web climbing walls - fantastic fun for the older kids. There is also a large cone shaped rope climbing frame.
On the hill above is a modern climbing frame with a spinner to hang on with your arms, rope ladder, monkey rungs and little walkways. At the top of the hill is a more traditional playground structure with a spiral slide, inclined climber, ladder, monkey rungs, shop front, tunnels, tic-tac-toe, fireman's pole, steering wheel and rigid frame ladder. Swings.
There is a large shelter with BBQ, four tables, toilets, unshaded tables and seats, nice Skate Park and sloping grassy area.
6 Neerim East Road, Neerim South 3831 Map