Needlework Tapestry Guild of Victoria (Box Hill)

Needlework Tapestry Guild of Victoria (Box Hill)

The Needlework Tapestry Guild of Victoria Inc is based in Box Hill. We aim to foster and support the practice of, and interest in, needlework throughout Victoria with particular emphasis on needlepoint tapestry. The Guild actively promotes the creative crafts of needlepoint tapestry and other stitchery within the community through exhibitions, demonstrations, classes and workshops.

Classes and specialist workshops are held frequently at Box Hill Community Arts Centre.

We offer tutors for children aged 8 and over during the Victorian school holidays. The program is held at Box Hill Community Arts Centre. We aim to have a ratio of one tutor to one or two children. This gives the child full support to enable them to succeed in making a small piece of tapestry on plastic canvas. An enjoyable introduction which we hope lasts in their memories.


470 Station Street,  Box Hill 3128 Map

0400 644 086

Email Enquiry

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The Needlework Tapestry Guild of Victoria Inc. on Facebook

Needlework Tapestry Guild of Victoria (Box Hill)470 Station Street,, Box Hill, Victoria, 3128