National Vietnam Veterans Museum (Newhaven)

The National Vietnam Veterans Museum is the only Museum of its kind in Australia that covers a specific period in Australia's military history. The collection of around 6000 artefacts exists to permanently record Australia's longest commitment to any war, a period of 10 years that spanned from 1962 to 1972.
It presents the story of Australia's military involvement at a time of deep division among the Australian population over conscription. The Museum is of great historical and cultural significance for Australians of all ages and also provides a nostalgic meeting place for Veterans and their families.
A unique audio visual presentation
This emotionally charged must see exhibit presents the story of the war in Vietnam from the defeat of the French in Indo China to the cessation of Australia's involvement in 1972. It covers such aspects as conscription, the moratoriums and the welcome home parade for our troops. This exhibit will educate and entertain kids of all ages from 18 months to 85 years.
Wartime Memorabilia
- Aircraft - a Bell AH-1G HueyCobra Helicopter gunship (one of only three known to be in Australia) with full armament. A program of restoration is in place for a Wessex helicopter and a Canberra bomber. Models of most of the aircraft flown in Vietnam are on display.
- Dioramas - depicting various aspects of the war include the tunnels of Cu Chi, cordon and destroy operations and tanks in action.
- Documents - many newspaper articles and other official reports are stored in our research library.
- The Marbles which were used in the 'conscription lottery' to determine the dates of those to be conscripted for military service.
- Models of ships and landing craft, include a large model of the HMAS Sydney commonly known as the "Vung Tau Ferry", the HMAS Hobart, the Australian Army's 'small ships' landing craft and the USS New Jersey.
- Motor Vehicles - The vehicle display includes a Centurion Tank, Land Rovers and trucks. We are looking forward to acquiring an M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier.
- Photographs - Hundreds of photographs are on display and thousands more are on file.
- Uniforms - a collection of military uniforms from all services.
- Weapons - An Armoury contains many of the weapons used during the war including a 105mm L3A1 Howitzer field gun
A library contains originals or copies of many documents, newspapers, photographs, video's and DVD's which have contributed to the facts and figures asserted within the Museum. It provides a resource centre for historical research for school groups and individuals.
Records include the activities of the RAN, RAAF and the ARMY as well as the involvement of the Salvation Army, the Civilian Surgical Team and Nurses, Entertainers and other supportive organisations recognised by the Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia.

Merchandise Shop
An extensive range of badges, souvenirs, stickers, belt buckles, caps, books, clothing and general memorabilia is available for sale at the Museum. Our range will change from time to time as we introduce new items.
Nui Dat Cafe
A place to relax, chat and reflect. This well appointed cafe is named after the 'In Country' 1 Australian Task Force Base that was the temporary home to most of the personnel who served in Vietnam. It serves morning and afternoon coffee/tea, cake and slices plus a variety of drinks and snacks.
Opening Hours:
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Entrance Prices
For a discount check out Small Ideas
25 Veterans Drive, Newhaven 3925 Map
✆ (03) 5956 6400
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