Natimuk - Arapiles Big Sky Bicycle Trail

This 33km trail will take you on a journey to an ancient mountain, now a world famous rock climbing venue
Cycle along pathways the Aboriginal people walked before Europeans and discover grasslands that host up to 500 plant species. Climb sand dunes and see magnificent canola fields stretching to the horizon. You may spot a goanna or kangaroo or catch a glimpse of one of our fastest birds of prey. You may also hear trees singing in the wind.
Look for grey kangaroos and swamp wallabies which live near the top of the mountain and ground dwelling short-beaked echidnas, shingleback lizards, tree and sand goannas and the eastern brown snake. At night you may see ringtail and brush tail possums foraging for food.
Listen to Birdsong. Over 100 species of birds have been recorded at Mt Arapiles including weebills, thornbills, honeyeaters, lorikeets, parrots, kookaburras, galahs, magpies, rosellas, robins, blue wrens and wedge tail eagles.
Scan the skies for The Peregrine Falcon, one of the fastest birds on earth.
Overview of the bike trail
The Arapiles Bike Trail starts near Natimuk's central parking area opposite the National Hotel near the skate park. Toilets and electric BBQs are located beside the car park. An Orientation Sign about the trail is located here.
The trail is a 33km off road recreational trail looping through the natural landscape of Natimuk, Natimuk Lake, Mitre Lake, Mitre Rock and Mt Arapiles. You'll find ten interpretive signs with stories along the trail. Mountain bikes are the most suitable for this trail.
The trail can be completed as a loop or divided into smaller sections.
Natimuk Lake to Natimuk
Natimuk Lake to Natimuk is a 3.7km flat ride on compacted gravel. This section follows Natimuk Creek between Natimuk Lake and Natimuk. Start this trail next to the old courthouse building in the Main Street.
Natimuk to Mt Arapiles car park
Natimuk to Mt Arapiles car park is a 10km relatively flat ride on compacted gravel. Start this trail next to the rotunda and the artillery gun just near the skate park. At the rotunda the path follows Natimuk Creek out of town to Gladigau Rd and then winds its way to the camp ground at Mt Arapiles. The picturesque Mt Arapiles is always in sight.
Mt Arapiles car park to Mitre Rock
Mt Arapiles Car Park to Mitre Rock is a 3.3km undulating ride along a predominantly 4-wheel drive track. The track follows the base of Mt Arapiles on the Centenary Park Access Track before heading out of the park crossing the Natimuk-Frances Rd to reach Mitre Rock.
Mt Arapiles car park to Vinegar Hill
Mt Arapiles Car Park to Vinegar Hill is an 8km undulating ride along an unsealed surface. This trail follows the Centenary Park Access Track before heading towards Mitre Rock. From Mitre Rock, the trail heads north through the Mitre Lake Reserve toward Vinegar Hill with magnificent views. There is no formed trail and riders may have to negotiate fallen trees and variable ground conditions. This section of the trail is not suitable in wet conditions.
Mt Arapiles car park to Natimuk Lake
Mt Arapiles Car Park to Natimuk Lake is a 23km ride on mixed undulating terrain including quiet shared dirt roads, specific bike trail, some unused road reserves and on-road sections. This scenic section takes you along the base of Mt Arapiles, past Mitre Rock (if time allows take in the view from the top of 'Vinegar Hill') and Mitre Lake and back along the edge of Natimuk Lake. This section will take you right to the Natimuk Lake Caravan Park, with shower, barbecue and camping facilities. This section of the trail is an off road section. There is no formed trail and riders may have to negotiate fallen trees and variable ground conditions. This section of the trail is not suitable in wet conditions.
The Bike Trail brochure can be collected from the Horsham and Grampians Visitor Information Centre, O'Callaghans Parade, Horsham and from Natimuk shops or downloaded using the link below.
63-65 Main Street, Natimuk 3409 Map
✆ (03) 5382 9777
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ Bike Trail Brochure (PDF)