Bright - Mystic Mountain Bike Park

Located in the picturesque town of Bright in Victoria's High Country, and just three hours from Melbourne, Mystic Park is a community-run bike park with some of the best shreds in Australia - whatever your ability.
From beginner trails to double-black diamond downhills, hand-built singletrack to machine crafted flow; with over 50km of trail dropping from 800m, Mystic Park is one of the most diverse MTB parks in the country.
Mystic MTB Park is home to some of Australia's best trails including Hero Trail which is the only flow/jumps trail of it's kind. On the other hand, there is multiple tech trails including Mystic DH trail which is raced for the Australian National Championships. Whether it's steep alpine style trails or flowy goodness, then you need to try Mountain biking in Bright! There is something for all skill levels within the park and our shuttle service makes accessing them all much easier.
The park is also unique: it's located within an active regenerative pine plantation run by HVP Plantations. But HVP don't run the park, and they don't receive an income from it. In short, they let us in to have fun in their workplace every day provided our community runs the park in a safe and responsible way and works in with their operations.
Mystic's trail network is free to ride, with many of the trails easily accessed from the trail head on Coronation Avenue.
Mystic offers a shuttle service to the Launch on peak days, including every weekend and summer school holidays. Please note, all private vehicles wishing to enter the park require a ticket. Please purchase your ticket prior to arriving at the gate.
Trail Maps:
Mystic MTB Park Trail Map
Trail Map (Trailforks)
Mystic Trail Head, Coronation Avenue, Bright 3741 Map
Web Links
→ Alpine Cycling Club on Facebook
→ Mystic Park, Bright on Facebook
→ Blue Dirt Shuttle
→ Bright MTB - Mountain Bike Guiding and Instructing on Facebook
→ Mountain Bike (MTB) Parks in Melbourne and Victoria