My Gym Childrens Fitness Centre (Hampton)

If you want to instill a life long habit of exercise in your child, give them My Gym. Using gymnastics as a fundamental movement skill for children of all abilities, My Gym incorporates field, net and ball sports for gross motor and coordination, as well as yoga, martial arts and dance; a range of manipulatives for fine motor development in our younger age groups and active games that include everyone of every age - guaranteed to put a smile on their faces - they don't even know they're exercising!
Kids LOVE My Gym! Physical benefits from Gymnastics include increased strength, balance and core development, as well as fitness, coordination and motor skills. Body awareness, teamwork concepts and valuable sports skillis are learned in a My Gym Class, laying the foundations for all future sporting endeavours. My Gym Kids improve confidence and self-esteem through our unique style of teaching, coupled with purpose built equipment and challenging programming led by highly trained instructors. Every week is different. Come learn why My Gym is the Worldwide Leader in Children's Fitness.
Each week, My Gym offers cutting edge gymnastics, sports and movement programs geared to children's interests and needs. We continually introduce new activities and challenge each child individually - whether it's during a class, party, holiday program or mobile activity. We guarantee a unique non-competitive, nurturing experience, not to mention a totally fun-filled and exciting one too!
515 Hampton Street, Hampton 3188 Map
✆ 0434 020 310
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