Mt Buller - Klingsporn Bridle Track Walk

Narrow and challenging walk whether heading up or down. This walkers-only trail includes varied stages including snowgum glades, tall alpine forest, steep scree fields and lush wattle groves at lower levels. Follow in the footsteps of tenacious mountain cattlemen who navigated this access from the valley floor up to the alpine on horseback in pioneering days.
NOTE - at the halfway mark there is an option to leave the Klingsporn Bridle Track and take the steep McLaughlan Shoulder trail to the Mt Buller Summit
Grade: Intermediate
Length: 6.7kms one way / 3hrs (approx)
Start/Finish: Mt Buller Village Square / Mirimbah Park
Klingsporn Bridle Track Walk Map

Klingsporn Bridle Track is the purple dashed line on the map.
Mt Buller Village Square, Mount Buller 3723 Map