Mount Richmond National Park

Mount Richmond is an extinct volcano surrounded by low, flat land. The volcano is covered with a layer of sand blown inland long ago from Discovery Bay.
With spectacular spring wildflowers and abundant wildlife in unspoilt bushland, Mount Richmond is the perfect place to have a picnic, take a walk or simply drive to the summit and enjoy the magnificent views.
Things to Do and See
Benwerrin Nature Walk - 1 hour
This self-guided walk is recommended for all visitors. Information is available at the picnic ground where the walk begins.
Noels Walk - 1 hour
Descends through tall stringybark forest to peppermint and Swamp Gum open forest at the base of the mountain. The last section is fairly steep.
Ocean View Walk - 1 hour
A lookout gives good views of Cape Bridgewater and Discovery Bay. Koalas can sometimes be seen feeding on Manna Gums along the track.
West Walk - 1 hour
Featuring good ocean view through stunted stringybarks and open heathland. The track may be wet in places in winter and spring.
The Mount Richmond Picnic Area has tables, fireplace, toilets and an information shelter.
Note: Camping is not permitted in the park.
Access for Dogs:
Dogs and other pets are not permitted in the park.
How to get there
Mt Richmond is 362km west of Melbourne. Take the Princes Highway to Portland, then 18km west along the Portland Nelson Road.
Note: Photos from Parks Victoria
Mount Richmond Rd, Mount Richmond 3305 Map
Web Links
→ Mount Richmond National Park (Parks Victoria)
→ Mount Richmond National Park Park Note (PDF)