Mount Evelyn Aqueduct Trail Reserve Dog Off Leash Area (Mount Evelyn)

Mount Evelyn Aqueduct Trail Reserve Dog Off Leash Area (Mount Evelyn)

The off-leash area is a 410m one-way walk. From the start point at West Hill Drive head east (the west side is a dog on-leash area). There's a stony gravel path with a 15 meter strip of fairly long grass bordering the path. On the edges are tall trees partially obscuring a view of neighbouring houses.

After a dog leg, the path becomes more open and reaches a playground which is the end of the dog off-leash area. There are no bins or water taps.

Map of Off Leash Area:

Mount Evelyn Aqueduct Trail Reserve Dog Off Leash Area
(Off leash area is shaded blue)



5 West Hill Drive,  Mount Evelyn 3796 Map

Web Links

Mount Evelyn Aqueduct Trail Reserve Dog Off Leash Map (PDF)

Mount Evelyn Aqueduct Trail Reserve Dog Off Leash Area (Mount Evelyn)5 West Hill Drive,, Mount Evelyn, Victoria, 3796