Mount Cannibal Adult Riding Club (Garfield North)

Mount Cannibal Adult Riding Club is located at the Cannibal Creek Reserve in Garfield North. Set in amongst the bush, we have two all weather arenas, day yards, round yard, horse wash facility, canteen, toilets and access to lovely bush rides around surrounding areas.
We have a wide selection of instructors and are willing to support instructors local to area. We have all levels of riders attending the club and encourage all levels of rider to join.
Our club rally is held on the Saturday prior to the 4th Saturday of the month, which is sometimes the 3rd Saturday (weather permitting)!
The Club encourages members to compete, with some of our members competing annually at Top Team Trophy Events. Competing is an individual choice and is not compulsory to our members. The Club holds two events per year - as determined by Committee.
133 Garfield North Road, Garfield North 3814 Map
✆ 0402 893 310
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ Mount Cannibal ARC INC (Facebook Group)