Mount Beauty - Survey Track and Pole Track Loop

Follow the old hydro worker's route up toward Bogong Village for some lovely views over town.
Distance / time: 7.4 km / 2 hrs 30 min
Grade 3: Some experience recommended. Formed track with short steep hills and obstacles. Signposted.
Start at the eastern end of Tawonga Crescent, opposite Big Hill MTB Park, and follow the track northeast, rising
through bushland for 4.1 km. Cross Bogong High Plains Road at Cranky Charlie and walk up Big Hill Road for about 500 m to join Pole Track. Descend toward town, passing through the Big Hill MTB Park trailhead to return to Tawonga Crescent.
Survey Track and Pole Track Loop Map

Tawonga Crescent, Mount Beauty 3699 Map