Mount Alexander Shire Bush Camping Guide

Bush camping locations in the Mount Alexander Shire region include:

Camping is permitted at Butts Reserve at the foot of Mount Tarrangower in Maldon. The camp site has picnic tables, fire places and toilets.
Dispersed foot-based camping is permitted throughout the Mt Alexander Regional Park, however amenities are only available at Leanganook Picnic area.
Situated next to a poppet head and other mining relics in the Muckleford State Forest. There are picnic tables, fireplaces and dams. From Castlemaine take the Castlemaine-Maldon Road toward Maldon, turn left into Muckleford School Road. Follow this until it branches and take the middle track. The campsite is to the right of this track and is signposted. This area is managed by the DSE.
(There is also free camping at Mount Franklin in the Hepburn Shire)
Park Rangers advise that this area is set up for groups in a cleared area. It has some fireplaces and is situated just off the Campbell's Creek-Fryers Road, between Campbell's Creek and lrishtown.
By the Loddon River with the Goldfields Track (part of the Great Dividing Trail) running through the reserve. There are mineral springs, picnic tables, fire places and toilets.
Located on the river flat beside the Loddon River in Glenluce, off the Vaughan-Drummond Road. There are picnic tables and fireplaces and basic toilets.
Located on the Baringhup West-Eastville Road in Baringhup West, beside the Loddon River on crown land reserve. There are five fireplaces, but no other amenities. Contact the Maldon or Castlemaine Visitor Information Centres for directions.
When Camping in the Bush
- Respect our unique flora, fauna, historical and geological sites.
- Drive vehicles on existing roads and tracks ONLY.
- Camp 20 or more metres from waterways.
- Take all rubbish with you, if no bins are provided.
- Do not use soap or detergents in waterways.
- Check with the responsible authority for regulations regarding pets.
Fire Safety
- Light fires only in fireplaces provided.
- NO FIRES to be lit on Total Fire Ban Days.
- Many parks and forests are located in high fire risk areas. On days forecast CODE RED fire danger, parks will be closed for public safety. For parks closures call 13 19 63 and for State Forest closures (DSE) call 13 61 86. For fire restrictions and advice call the Victorian Bushfire Information Line: 1800 240 667.
- Make sure fires are totally out before leaving by using water, NOT soil/dirt.
Shire Dump Point
The shire Dump Point is located in Bridge Street, Harcourt (a continuation of High Street), next to the Swimming Pool. Fresh water is also available here.
Web Links
→ Maldon Historic Area Visitor Guide (PDF)
→ Mt Alexander Regional Park - Park note (PDF)