Morwell - Latrobe Valley Maltese Museum

The Museum features a collection of miniature handmade replicas of historical buildings dating back to the 1550s during the rule of the Knights of St John in Malta. It also includes a huge collection of Maltese Memorabilia, brought to Australia by migrants since the 1940s.
Australia's first and only Maltese Museum, is the culmination of a dream and a promise. A recurring dream over many years by a migrant who came with his family to the Latrobe Valley in 1985 - Mario Sammut.
The dream was to preserve the Maltese culture and identity while assimilating within the Australian community. It was just a dream, but over the years it became more evident that other Maltese migrants shared the same dream and determination to preserve their culture.
Charlie Camilleri, who had spent years constructing miniature replicas of Maltese historical buildings, donated his exhibits to the Maltese Community Centre if Mario promised that one day these will be fully restored and permanently displayed in a museum.
The late Mr Frank Consiglio, the first Consul General for Malta in Victoria, together with his wife Frances amassed a huge collection of Maltese artefacts and memorabilia over many years and Frances together with her sons Colin and Charlie very graciously donated the whole collection to the Maltese Museum.
Many other individuals have donated special objects that for many years carried private sentimental value together with a story and now through the Latrobe Valley Maltese Museum these will be preserved for future generations.
Opening Hours:
Sundays 11am - 4pm or by appointment, phone 0412 411 719.
Gold coin donation is appreciated
Henry Street, Morwell 3840 Map
✆ 0412 411 719
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