Morris Williams Reserve Outdoor Gym (Bulleen)

The outdoor gym is located next to a playground with basketball court and water tap, and includes the strengthening elements: vault bar, sit-up, push up, log hop, chin up, step up, body curl and bench dip.
Use instructions for each equipment item is:
Vault Bar - Grip bar at challenging height with both hands. Vault over bar, legs together. Return to starting position. Repeat, alternating sides.
Sit-up - Lie on bench with knees bent, feet flat and arms by your sides. Curl slowly forward to bring elbows to the knees and curl back down to the start position. Repeat to your level.
Push-up - Grip bar, arms outstretched and back straight. Alternatively, legs bent, knees on ground. Lower yourself, keeping back straight and push-up to starting position. Repeat to your level.
Log Hop - Hop over logs without stopping. Keep logs together during log-hop. Recover and repeat to your level.
Chin Up - Select bar higher than your reach. Jump and grip bar, palms outward. Pull yourself up until chin is above bar. Recover by lowering body slowly to the hanging position. Repeat to your level
Step-up - Choose stump of challenging height. Using pole to maintain balance, place left foot on stump. Step-up; step down with right leg. Then step-up with right leg; step down with left. Continue by alternating legs.
Body Curl - Lie on the incline board, legs straight. Grasp handle with both hands behind head. Curl body into tuck position. Recover and repeat to your level.
Bench Dip - Sit on bench between dip handles of challenging height, place heels on ground. Grip handles and with legs straight, push up to straighten arm. Recover by bending arms slowly. Repeat to your level.
31 Gympie Street, Bulleen 3105 Map