Mornington Peninsula Street and Public Art

Mornington Peninsula has a wide range of sculptures and murals which includes:
Telstra Exchange Building Local History Mural, Baxter

by Melbourne's Murals in collaboration with students from the Bayside Christian College (2018).
The mural was painted to celebrate 100 years since the town of Baxter was named. The mural depicts Benjamin Baxter who founded the town and also celebrates the town's agricultural heritage. Baxter lived in a property named Carrup Carrup which still exists today, as well as the original cottage he and his wife Martha lived in.
An interesting side note is that the artists originally mistakenly painted an image of American civil war soldier Benjamin Baxter, instead of the original settler, Captain Benjamin Baxter. Thankfully the mistake was quickly discovered and painted over.
Baxter has had a colourful history and even had its own speedway where many highly regarded racing car drivers competed. Bike stunt rider Blake 'Bilko' Williams who is part of Nitro Circus, is a former resident.
Location: 95 Baxter-Tooradin Road, Baxter (Map: 107 Ref: B4)
"I am", Flinders

by Andrew Rogers (2014)
Location: Cook Street and Wood Street roundabout, Flinders (Map: 261 Ref: K8)
Terry White Chemist Laneway Mural, Hastings

by Simon White and students from Western Port Secondary College (2017)
A mural depicting the maritime history of Western Port Bay. A selection of images from the collection of the Hastings & Western Port Historical Society was chosen to inspire the artists in the development of the design. The seven images tell the region's fascinating narrative from 1860 to today.
Location: Terry White Chemist Laneway, 47 High Street, Hastings (Map: 154 Ref: J11)
Shipping Container Mural, Hastings

by Brett Cardwell and Advance College students (2017)
Youth and ocean-scape theme.
Location: Behind Trotter Shoes, 41 High Street, Hastings (Map: 154 Ref: J11)
John Coleman Statue, Hastings

by Stephen Glassborow (2001)
Statue of great Essendon footballer and coach, John Coleman (23.11.1928 - 5.4.1973)
John Coleman was born in Port Fairy in 1928 and moved to Hastings in his early teens where he played local football for two years. In 1947, John Coleman first played football with Hastings. The 18 year old full forward kicked 137 goals and won the Best and Fairest in the Mornington Peninsula Football League. The following year he kicked 160 goals (averaging 10 goals per match) including 23 in a game against Sorrento.
He then became an Essendon legend as a goal kicker. The opening round on 1949 saw Coleman kick 12 goals for Essendon against Hawthorn. This was the beginning of a brilliant career which was terminated by a serious knee injury in 1954. Some years later Coleman returned to coach Essendon to two premierships in 1962 and 1965. Illness forced him to relinquish his position and he died at the early age of 44 years on 5 April 1973.
As the turn of the century drew to a close, John Coleman was named full forward in the AFL Team of the Century and he was also chosen as one of the 10 greatest in the AFL Hall of Fame.
The Coleman Medal, given to the AFL's greatest goal kicker each year, is named in his honour.
The statue was based on a mark taken by John Coleman over his Fitzroy opponent Tom Meehan in a match during the 1953 season.
Location: Outside Hastings Library, 7 High Street, Hastings (Map: 154 Ref: K11)
Parrot, Hastings

Wooden parrot sculpture.
Location: Outside Hastings Library, 7 High Street, Hastings (Map: 154 Ref: K11)
Hastings Library Ceramic Mural, Hastings

Location: Hastings Library, 7 High Street, Hastings (Map: 154 Ref: K11)
Hastings Library Totems, Hastings

Location: Hastings Library, 7 High Street, Hastings (Map: 154 Ref: K11)
Kulin Nation Malgarr, Hastings

by Mick Harding
Location: Mornington Peninsula Offices, 21 Marine Parade, Hastings (Map: 154 Ref: K11)
Hastings Civic Offices Totems with Magpie, Hastings

Location: Mornington Peninsula Offices, 21 Marine Parade, Hastings (Map: 154 Ref: K11)
Hastings Civic Offices Ceramic Wall Murals, Hastings

Location: Mornington Peninsula Offices, 21 Marine Parade, Hastings (Map: 154 Ref: K11)
Hastings Civic Offices Pavement Tiles, Hastings

Location: Mornington Peninsula Offices, 21 Marine Parade, Hastings (Map: 154 Ref: K11)
Hastings Hall Ceramic Mural, Hastings

Location: Hastings Hall, 3 High Street, Hastings (Map: 168 Ref: F4)
O'Toole Walk Wall, Hastings

O'Toole Walk is decorated with a mural, carved leprechaun and lover plaques dedicated to the Hastings resident and trader who was murdered in his High Street store in July 2013.
Mr O'Toole was stabbed with a 20cm carving knife by a parolee, Gavin Perry, who was high on ice, after he burst into the couple's jewellery shop to defend his wife of more than 40 years.
Mr O'Toole was posthumously awarded the Star of Courage medal for his effort that probably saved the life of his wife.
Location: O'Toole Walk, Hastings (Map: 154 Ref: J11)
Pelicans Wall Mural, Hastings

by Sheldon (2014)
Mural with pelicans theme.
Location: 108 High Street, Hastings (Map: 154 Ref: H11)
Fred Smith Reserve Playground Pelicans, Hastings

by Angie Polgaze
Five wooden pelican sculptures.
Location: Cnr Marine Parade and High Street, Hastings (Map: 154 Ref: K11)
Community Hub Building Mural, Hastings

by Brett Cardwell and Advance College students (2014)
Mural with Hastings local area theme.
Location: Wall behind Hastings Hub building, 1973 Frankston-Flinders Road, Hastings (Map: 154 Ref: G8)
Hastings Men's Shed, Hastings

Location: 1973 Frankston-Flinders Road, Hastings (Map: 154 Ref: G8)
Wallaroo Milk Bar Front Wall Mural, Hastings

by Western Port Secondary College Students (2018)
Location: Wallaroo Milk Bar, Wallaroo Place, Hastings (Map: 154 Ref: E9)
Wallaroo Reserve Mural, Hastings

by students of Western Port secondary College and local Hastings schools
Various themed panels around the reserve.
Location: Wallaroo Reserve, Wallaroo Place, Hastings (Map: 154 Ref: E9)
Letters, Mornington

by Peninsula artist Gwen Bridges Mulder to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Mornington Township (1861).
Location: Cnr Esplanade and Main Street, Mornington (Map: 104 Ref: D10)
Mornington Pizza House Wall Mural, Mornington

by Brett Ashby (2016)
Pizza pieces mural.
Location: 32 Robertson Drive, Mornington (Map: 104 Ref: J12)
Op Shop Wall Mural, Mornington

by Brett Ashby (2016)
Tanti history and icon landmarks.
Location: 20 Robertson Drive, Mornington (Map: 104 Ref: J12)
Pentecost Road Mural, Mornington

by Tony Sowersby, Lynette Young, Phil Wiseman, Jacob Arnold and Bridget Sowersby (June 2007)
Mural with a water conservation theme.
Location: Pentecost Road, Mornington (Map: 145 Ref: G1)
Yuilles Road Cafe Mural, Mornington

Mural on the side of a cafe wall with some Mornington Peninsula images.
Location: Cnr Yuilles Road and Watt Road, Mornington (Map: 145 Ref: G1)
Little Shop of Horrors Mural, Mornington

Murals on the front of the Little Shop of Horrors Costumery in Mornington. Little Shop of Horrors is a 1980s cult classic movie where meek florist worker Seymour finds during a total eclipse an interesting plant, he names Audrey II and decides to put it in his shop window in order to attract more customers. Crowds flock to the previously struggling store. After Seymour feeds co-worker Audrey's boyfriend, Orin, to the plant after his accidental death, he must come up with more bodies for the increasingly bloodthirsty plant ...
Location: Factory 6/1 Watt Rd, Mornington (Map: 145 Ref: G1)
Shire Hall Beach Murals, Mornington

Location: Opposite 802 The Esplanade, Mornington (Map: 104 Ref: E9)
Taco Bill Restaurant Wall, Mornington

Location: 111 Main Street, Mornington (Map: 104 Ref: E9)
Mount Eliza
Fins & Scales Shop Mural, Mount Eliza

by unknown
Location: 16 Ranelagh Drive, Mount Eliza (Map: 105 Ref: F1)
Mount Martha
Mount Martha North Beach Toilet Wall Murals, Mount Martha

Murals on the side of the public toilets next to a carpark beside the beach.
Location: Opposite 507 Esplanade, Mount Martha (Map: 144 Ref: K11)
South East Water Building Mural, Mount Martha

Painted by year 4 and year 3/4 students of Mt Martha Primary School with Tony Sowersby, Lynette Young and Jacob Arnold (2006)
Murals on the South East Water building.
Location: 46 Glenisla Drive, Mount Martha (Map: 150 Ref: J2)
Balcombe Estuary Murals, Mount Martha

by Tony Sowersby, Lynette Young, Jacob Arnold and Phil Wiseman (May 2006)
Murals on the South East Water building near the carpark at the Balcombe Estuary.

Murals with the themes Local Fauna, Birds of Balcombe Creek Reserves, Indigenous Fauna and Under the Water. Located under the shelter near the carpark at the Balcombe Estuary and painted by Mt Martha Primary Grade 4 (2015), Bentons Junior College Grade 5 (2015), Balcombe Grammar Grade 5 (2015) and Osborne Primary School Grades 3-4 (2015).
Location: Balcombe Estuary, Mirang Avenue, Mount Martha (Map: 144 Ref: K11)
Dunns Road Reserve Sculptures, Mount Martha

by Angie Polglaze (2008)
A line of totemic style 'Farmyard' themed carvings which were carved on site from old shade trees that had become dangerous.
Location: 147 Dunns Road, Mount Martha (Map: 168 Ref: F4)
Helix Wave, Rosebud

The Rosebud Gateway Sculpture is comprised of two elements, Sailsand Helix Wave by innovative Melbourne artist/designer Matthew Harding and co-artist Benjamin Storch, who used timber from the dismantled Rosebud Pier to construct the sculpture.
Both sculptures reference the origins of the Rosebud name, which came from the cargo vessel The Rosebud that washed over sandbanks on to the beach in 1855. The salvaged timbers from the hull were used by local fishermen for cottage construction.
Location: 1219 Point Nepean Road, Rosebud (Map: 158 Ref: E11)
Sails, Rosebud

Location: 1107 Point Nepean Road, Rosebud (Map: 158 Ref: E11)
Invasion of the Spider Crabs, Rye

Designed by artist Simon Normand and the students and teachers of Rye Primary School.
The artwork was inspired by the annual migration of spider crabs to Rye pier.
Location: Rye Foreshore Toilet Block, 2389 Point Nepean Road, Rye (Map: 168 Ref: F4)
Rye Foreshore Wooden Sculptures, Rye

by Angie Polglaze and Dennis Beach ('Hardwood Carvers' USA) (2003)
A wooden sculpture of a giant octopus and conch shell. Rumour has is that the council made the artists carve the shell to the road side so the piece wouldn't be too distracting for motorists! Nearby is another carving of a dolphin (with pup) by Angie Polglaze (2005)
Location: 2389 Point Nepean Road, Rye (Map: 168 Ref: F4)
Rye Foreshore Toilet Block (West), Rye
Location: 2416 Point Nepean Road, Rye (Map: 168 Ref: F4)
Napier Street Mural, Rye

by Michael Hausser
Mural with a fisherman theme.
Location: 1 Napier Street, Rye (Map: 168 Ref: F4)
Safety Beach
Safety Beach playground Sculptures, Safety Beach

Dolphins (by Anton McMurray, 2003) and Mr Percival (by Anton McMurray, 2016) wooden sculptures beside the Safety Beach playground located on the foreshore.
Mr Percival was an Australian pelican, noted for his appearance in the 1976 Australian film Storm Boy. He was one of three trained pelicans used in the film, based on the novel of the same name. He lived at the Adelaide Zoo and fathered seven chicks before dying of old age in 2009.
Location: Opposite 157 Marine Drive, Safety Beach (Map: 150 Ref: D12)
Yumarrala Wetlands Mural, Somerville

by Tony Sowersby (2012)
Location: 27 Forest Drive, Somerville (Map: 148 Ref: D1)
Map of Street Art Locations:
Main Street, Mornington 3931 Map
Web Links
→ Montalto Vineyard Sculpture Walk (Red Hill South)
→ Point Leo Estate Sculpture Park (Merricks)