Mornington Park Playground, Schnapper Point Drive, Mornington

The playground is based around a big wooden pirate ship which has ramp access. Get up on deck and steer the ship across the oceans with a great wheelhouse with skull and crossbones wheel and modern instruments like a fuel gauge which every good pirate ship should have. Call down to your captives in the hull below on the speak and listen system. The ship has a lovely sea creature themed motifs on the side. Maybe parents can find a plank for naughty kids to walk!
An area next to the ship has an elevated structure with curved slide, rope ladder, metal ladders, metal bridge and steps connected via monkey bars to a flying fox and wooden wharf.
There are also four standard swings, birds nest swing and a metal music instrument you bash to make sweet music.
The park has plenty of unshaded tables and seats, BBQs, big round grassy area, rotunda without seats, statue of Matthew Flinders, toilets (200m away), water tap and concrete cricket pitch. There is a beach across the road and down a cliff.
Schnapper Point Drive, Mornington 3391 Map