Mornington Community House

Mornington Community House is here to give you the opportunity to connect, learn and contribute within your community. The programs that have are designed to encourage you and assist with your own wellbeing.
Programs and Activities cover a range of groups, classes / learning opportunities, health and well-being activities and playgroups that includes:
- Social connection and Peer support groups - Chatty cafe, Living Happy Mental Health Peer Support Group, Carers Support
- Adult education programs - Literacy Support, Learn French
- Learning opportunities - Drawing for Relaxation and Fun, Macrame, Toastmasters
- Health and wellbeing - Yoga, Meditation, Pilates
- Other user groups include Jobco employment networks and other programs during the terms
3/91 Wilsons Road, Mornington 3931 Map
✆ (03) 5975 4772
Email Enquiry
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→ Mornington Community House on Facebook