Mitta Mitta - The Witches Garden

The word 'Witch' is an old Celtic word meaning 'a person who heals using plants'. Therefore The Witches Garden is a place where you can find all the plants you would need for healing much like an out door Pharmacy.
The Witches Garden contains common and unusual plants and is place where you can discover how they have been used for healing.
The Witches Garden is set behind the Witch's cottage and is part of Riversong House gardens. Entrance to the Witches Garden is through a Fairy Tale life size witch's cottage, designed to look as if the witch has just stepped outside. You are welcome to look around the shelves amongst the bottles of lotions and potions. Also on display in the cottage is a rare collection of handcrafted brooms from around the world.
Through the back door you will find the Witches Garden where all the plants are tagged so you can enjoy a self guided tour. If you would like more information on the plants and how they can be used then you can find sheets of information on sale in the gallery.
The Witches Garden is large and exuberant, over 4 acres. Landscaped into many different levels and 'rooms' each of which is encountered by many shady paths and glorious vistas. Nestled amongst the garden you'll find a medieval Witch's cottage. Beyond the cottage is an enclosed garden where you'll find plants used for herbal remedies and witchcraft. From here you can follow an enchanting path that leads to a 'creaky' garden gate and beyond is the spectacular water lily covered lake complete with wisteria hung Monet bridge. This romantic cottage garden will inspire and surprise!
Opening Hours:
Open most days, but best to phone first!
Admission Prices
608 Dartmouth Road, Mitta Mitta 3701 Map
✆ (02) 60 723 533
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