Mills Beach (Mornington)

Mills Beach is a popular patrolled beach just off the Esplanade, with a grassy picnic area, lifesaving club and a kiosk.
Mills Beach is a 700 m long,backed by boatsheds and a vegetated bluff for most of its length. The Mornington Life Saving Club and car park are located at the southern end. Tanti Creek also flows out at the southern end and has deposited a blanket of rocks under the sand. A low seawall curves around from the creek mouth to the club house.
Swimming - Safest in front of the lifesaving club where the bar is usually shallowest. Deeper water may lie against the beach to the north. Be careful if walking out on the bars, as they are cut by deeper channels and troughs.
Mills Beach has a General Beach Hazard Rating of 3/10 (Least hazardous). The beach is patrolled by the Mornington Life Saving Club.
There is a scenic lookout which overlooks Mills Beach near #838 Esplanade. There is a seat to admire the view of the beach below.
Opposite the corner of Esplanade and Herbert Street, is an asphalt path leading down through the banksia trees to the middle of Mills beach below. There is a water tap at the start of the path. There is another path from the Esplanade to the south end of the beach.
It is a long sandy beach fringed by around 70 colourful beach boxes with lovely clear water. The Mornington Life Saving Club patrols the south end of the beach throughout the summer months.
At the Life Saving Club there is a kiosk selling drinks and ice-creams, some unshaded picnic tables and shaded area upstairs with umbrellas and toilets. Near here is a car parking area. Across the car park is an inlet which seems to be a magnet for gulls, a little lookout, picnic table and a wooden bridge crossing Tanti Creek. There is more free parking in this area.

822 Esplanade, Mornington 3931 Map
Web Links
→ Mills Beach (BeachSafe)
→ Mornington Life Saving Club
→ Mornington Life Saving Club on Facebook