Mill Park Community House & Adult Training Support Service

Our Services Include:
General Services - We offer a wide range of low cost Recreation Programs, Vocation Education Programs, Computer Training, Medical Training and run a series of group activities.
Disability Services - The Mill Park Community House & A.T.S.S. offers a wide range of services for people with an Intellectual Disability and their caregivers.
Education Programs - We are a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) who offer a wide range of education-based programs, which can assist you in many ways including Vocation Education Programs, Personal Development, Computer Training, General Office Skills and Medical Training
Counselling Services - People who have an intellectual disability have a range of issues where assistance and education can result in further development of life skills. The aim of the counselling and group work is to reduce some of these issues and increase quality of life. A limited amount of General Counselling is also now available.
Childcare Services - We offer a fully supervised creche and occasional care service where children are encouraged to participate in activities of both an Educational and recreational nature.
Our Community House is located at 68 Mill Park Drive, Mill Park and and our Adult Training Support Service is located at 816 Plenty Road, South Morang.
68 Mill Park Drive, Mill Park 3082 Map
✆ (03) 9404 4565
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