Mick Morland Reserve Playground, Copabella Circuit, Clyde North

Mick Morland Reserve Playground, Copabella Circuit, Clyde North

A fairly basic playground with see-saw, birds nest swing, two standard swings, log balance circuit and a structure with big wave slide, climbing wall, suspended ladder, rope net wall and hanging ropes.

Shelter with table and a soft surface with games such as snakes and ladders (BYO dice), four square and hopscotch. There are two full-sized netball courts, oval and some artwork in the south-east corner near the pavilion. The toilets at the pavilion were locked during the week.



Copabella Circuit,  Clyde North 3978 Map

Mick Morland Reserve Playground, Copabella Circuit, Clyde NorthCopabella Circuit,, Clyde North, Victoria, 3978