Mess Matters (Caulfield North)

Mess Matters has weekly sessions and weekend birthday parties.
Mess Matters activities are all about having FUN and FREEDOM in the process of being creative. We provide a fun and exciting environment for children to develop their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Our surroundings help build children's confidence to experiment with tactile sensors and create wonderful, original artworks.
How does it work? - There are many messy activities set up around the room with all sorts of colourful textures for little fingers to feel and explore. Children are given the independence to choose for themselves which activities they would like to do. Children may take as much time or as little time as they want on a particular activity or they can repeat the same activity.
What activities are there? - Painting, stamping, pasting, sand play, play dough, paper crafts, water play and much more!
Mess Matters host private birthday parties on the weekends! Our parties are for children aged 2 - 10. The younger children's parties are run similarly to our weekly sessions, with the children free to roam from activity to activity. The older children's parties are structured and include party games and the creation of two artworks that they can take home.
Session Details and Costs
Party Details and Costs
For a discount check out Small Ideas
Factory 4/3 Exley Drive, Moorabbin 3189 Map
✆ 0425 808 219
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