Merrigum Museum

Built in 1905 as a General Store and attached residence, the Merrigum Museum houses items from local organisations, farming equipment and items of general interest.
The Museum also holds copies of an extensive collection of unique photographs by L L Pitts recording the life and times of Merrigum between 1900 and 1928.
The household items are displayed in room settings. There is also a wash house, blacksmith shop, machinery shed, mud brick dairy and horseworks.
Each year in April, Heritage day is held, with operating displays of pioneering skills.
Opening Hours:
The museum is open on the last Sunday of every month from 1.00 pm to 3.00 pm and by appointment.
Not known
111 Waverley Avenue, Merrigum 3618 Map
✆ (03) 5855 2330 / (03) 5855 2495